The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Writing Affirmations

Writing affirmations is a healthy exercise that will help lock your affirmations deep in your subconscious mind. The process of using your eyes, your motor coordination, and your mind all serve to create positive, and powerful new thought habits that will automatically create the new behaviours that you want. Those new behaviours will ensure that you find the success you deserve.

Writing out a list of affirmations every day can be very effective. It will change the way you think about yourself, it will change you. Because affirmations can be so powerful it makes good sense to make sure the affirmations you write, the script you are creating for your mind is going to do exactly what you want it to do, doesn't it? Sometimes the way your mind works can be a bit tricky.

We at AFRS have outlined some guidelines for you to create your own quality affirmations. You can find the guide to creating affirmations here. As an added bonus we have also provided a guide on the best and most effective ways to apply your affirmations.

Thought is a creative force

It is your thoughts that create the person you are. The proverb 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me' is a complete and total lie. Words can encourage you and words can anger you, words can hurt. The words you hear become thoughts.

To be free from evil thoughts is God's best gift.

- Aeschylus

It makes sense to make sure the words you hear are happy, healthy, and optimistic. Too bad you can't have a remote that turns off every negative person's mouth. The unfortunate truth is that being conscious in this world means being exposed to a lot of messages, lots of which are negative. Writing affirmations is a reasonable and logical way to counteract exposure to negative influences. The truth is that we tend to give more credence to the written word above the spoken word.


Reciting, reading, or writing affirmations without feeling will do little to encourage change. You subconscious mind will be bored and will happily let you recite, read and write to your heat's content while it is out doing other things. Thoughts cause emotions -- the less important the thought the less the emotional response. You want to get your subconscious mind's attention. The way to do this is with feeling.

The desire to make a positive improvement in life requires a depth of passion, a feeling that has the ability to move you. You need to become engaged and excited, knowing that you are on route to a better place. Writing affirmations has the potential to impact you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

The alignment between feelings, desire, and belief will bring about quick change.


Writing out lines of affirmations can quickly become a chore. Not unlike having to write lines back in elementary school. The mind is going to resist this exercise for various reasons and it is up to you to overcome that resistance. This can be done by focus, concentrate on what you are writing, think about it intensely. Another tactic is to write down what your mind is throwing at you. Once it is written you can dismiss it. Remember that is natural for you to experience resistance if you expect it and plan for it you will find it easier to deal with. The key is repetition - keep going no matter how futile the task seems because the pay-off is huge.


The thing that is rarely said about affirmations is that if practiced with consistency, you will get a result. It may not be the result you expect, but you will get a result. The mind is a very complex and busy place, it never stops working. What it does to arrange your outcome can seem odd at times and at other times it may be very subtle. For instance you decide that you need a new car so you can visit your friends and affirm that you're going to own a new car. Some time may elapse and a new car hasn't materialized. However, if you step back and stop pouting you may discover that your friends are coming to see you more often -- and that's the desire you really wanted to begin with anyway, isn't it?

Writing affirmations is only one part of using and applying affirmations. Listening to affirmations with the latest technology can accellerate your program to speeds beyond belief.

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