The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Subliminal Self Help

Subliminal self help starts out by examining how subliminal's work, what makes them effective and how to utilize them.

How subliminal's work

Purveyors of subliminal self help videotapes and audio tapes make all sorts of claims for their products. They propose that subliminal messages are directed at the subconscious bypassing the conscious mind because they are below the level of conscious awareness.

The Claims about subliminal's

You cannot hear them, you cannot see them..., the claim goes, your conscious mind cannot reject them.

We can learn a lot from looking at where the word 'subliminal' comes from:

Subliminal means -- "below the threshold" (of consciousness), formed from sub "below" + L. limen (gen. liminis) "threshold."

If Placebo was a drug, they would no doubt be pure heroin - dangerous, mysterious and totally addictive.

- Brian Molko

Subliminal products are supposed to contain repeating messages that are claimed to help people:

  • lose weight,
  • stop smoking,
  • enhance athletic performance,
  • quit drinking,
  • think creatively,
  • raise IQ, make friends,
  • reduce pain,
  • improve vision,
  • restore hearing,
  • cure acne,
  • conquer fears,
  • read faster,
  • speak effectively,
  • handle criticism,
  • relieve depression,
  • ETC...

    Subliminal Self Help Products

    A typical subliminal audio tape contains music designed to promote relaxation. Most are also supposed to contain messages that you can't hear.

    Videotapes flash images,that are supposed to be relaxing, combined with repeating visual messages shown so briefly that they can't be seen at normal playing speed.

    Are Subliminal Self Help Products Effective?

    Researchers in double blind studies have shown that subliminal audio tapes provide little or no real benefit to the user. For more truth about subliminals check here

    "Many experiments performed to test the effectiveness of subliminal self-help tapes have failed to show any useful effect, except that attributable to expectancy and belief."  (Beyerstein,1993). 

    Research on Subliminal Self Help Products

    Here's a few references of studies done on subliminals:

    Merikle PM. Subliminal auditory messages: An evaluation. Psychology and Marketing 5:355-372, 1989.

    Greenwald AG, Spangenberg ER, Pratkanis AR. Double-blind tests of subliminal self-help audiotapes. Psychological Science 2:119-122, 1991

    Moore TE. Subliminal perception: Facts and fallacies. Skeptical Inquirer 16:273-281, 1992.

    The effectiveness of subliminal's lies in the 'placebo effect'. This simply means that an person experiences a change because they expect one.

    The fact is, claims made by subliminal manufacturers are not backed up by science and they are not effective.

    How to use them

    Considering that they don't work it is best not to spend money on something you can not hear or see. Unless of course you want to be like the emperor in the children's tale of 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.

    An Alternative Solution

    So is there a subliminal self help solution? Yes. The first option for self help fans is to bring your repeating messages up to a threshold level. If your conscious mind can perceive it -- even for a moment. The message will get through to your subconscious.

    The best subliminal self help solution isn't subliminal at all...

    ... What should your first approach to self help be?

    Any lack or weakness exists totally in your mind it is the result of your thoughts and nothing else. To improve your self you absolutely must change your thoughts.

    The fastest and most effective way to change your thoughts is by using affirmations. Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment. Entrainment will put your mind into a receptive state and affirmations will inject confidence inducing thoughts into your subconscious mind.

    The result will be automatic self help without the need for gimmicks, books, seminars or therapy. Do you want relief from what prevents your success? Do you want your life back again?

    Take the plunge -- try affirmations with entrainment --
    Improve your life!

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