The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

High Self Esteem

High Self Esteem has been set up as the answer to life's problems, trials and pains. Psychologists, counselors and educators have been promoting self esteem as the basis for a successful and happy life. Is this necessarily true?

Erica Goode in the New York Times (October 1, 2002) proclaimed that:

"'D' students . . . think as highly of themselves as valedictorians, and serial rapists are no more likely to ooze with insecurities than doctors or bank managers."

She also claimed that some people will resort to violence when opposed or contradicted:

"Neo-Nazis, street toughs, school bullies . . . combine preening self-satisfaction with violence."

Lauren Slater states that the self-esteem movement has produced a "discourse of affirmation" that dishes out praise regardless of achievement. This naturally leads to a self concept that is based on untruths and false-hoods. This kind of high self esteem is actually narcissism which in turn leads to aggression when that self esteem is threatened. Self esteem that is based on external factors such as physical appearance, social status, approval of others can lead to self abuse in the form of substance abuse or eating disorders. A healthy form of high self esteem is a self estimate that does not depend on external conditions.

Healthy High Self Esteem

High self esteem is considered healthy when it is based on:

  • A self evaluation that one is able to deal with life's problems
  • A self evaluation that one is worthy of happiness
  • These basic evaluations include that idea that we are responsible and able to find success, positive relationships, and positive feelings. These evaluations need to be tied to a standard that is outside of ourselves. This means that we need to align ourselves to values, goals, and moral choices that are based on an absolute standard. When we attain these standards our feelings of esteem grow and when we miss the mark our feelings of esteem will fall.

    Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.

    - Sam Walton

    These absolute standards are internal to the individual. They depend on discipline and mental processes that are under the individual's control. Unhealthy high self esteem is based on external sources such as approval from others, social status, and physical attractiveness. Healthy high self esteem is based on internal objective standards.

    The Importance of Healthy, High Self Esteem

    A positive healthy level of self esteem is foundational to a positive healthy life. Your self evaluation is important because it will affect your relationships, your success, and even your health. Healthy, high self esteem leads to confidence. Confidence that is built on success. Healthy, high self esteem is a result of positive healthy attitudes and thoughts. Thoughts that are based in objective reality rather than fantasy.

    Healthy self esteem helps one face problems and bounce back from set backs in life. Healthy self esteem is especially necessary during the turbulent teenage years.

    Developing a Healthy High Self Esteem

    To develop healthy high self esteem remember to:

  • Celebrate your successes
  • Forgive yourself and others for failures and mistakes
  • Accept and learn from failures and mistakes
  • Accept and learn from criticism
  • Focus on your strengths
  • Monitor and manage your self talk
  • Evaluate yourself against an objective standard
  • Be assertive without being aggressive
  • Laugh at yourself
  • High Self Esteem for Today

    The past is long gone and there is nothing you can do about it. You can't change the past but you can do something about yourself today. Focus your thoughts on all the things you have done right, all the successes you have achieved, all the goals you have attained - no matter how big or how small. They are yours and you deserve to be proud of what you have done. In the Bible story of Cain and Able, before Cain resorts to murder, God tells Cain the secret to healthy self esteem and positive feelings:

    Genesis 4:6-7 God spoke to Cain: "Why this tantrum? Why the sulking? If you do well, won't you be accepted? And if you don't do well, sin is lying in wait for you, ready to pounce; it's out to get you, you've got to master it."

    Cain had a choice he could have changed his behaviour and done well but he didn't. He chose to pout and impose his own evaluation of his behaviour over a standard outside himself. The result - murder.

    The good news is that poor or low self esteem can be changed. You can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, high self esteem today. The solution is found in changing your thought habits and patterns. The way to change your thought habits and patterns is to repeatedly think new, positive thoughts. This can be done by using affirmations. While affirmations by themselves may take some time to be effective there is a short cut. Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment can reprogram your mind in a short amount of time.

    If you or someone near you needs to develop healthy self esteem you owe it to yourself to try this technology today. Success is within reach!

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