The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Mind Over Matter.

Mind Over Matter used to be an axiom used to encourage people to get things done that they didn't think they could get done or didn't want to do. It originally started out as a comment that related to telekinesis and other paranormal phenomena. More recently self help celebrities have used the term. Proponents of positive thinking have made claims about the power of the mind over the physical world we live in.

Modern science is beginning to discover that in spite of what skeptics say about positive thinking and fraudulent claims by psychics and other charlatans, the mind does in fact have an effect on the material world we live in. The contempt and arrogance that academics have poured out on the effect of mind over matter is being shown to be without basis. For, in fact the evidence is quickly mounting that our minds do, in fact, affect matter.

Quantum Physics and Mind Over Matter

If we possess the power of mind over matter, it makes good sense to learn to train our minds to think in ways that are positive and productive doesn't it? The words 'synchronicity', 'serendipity', 'coincidence' are all words that express some aspect of mind over matter. Quantum physics is showing that in spite of what skeptics claim our minds do have an effect on our surroundings. The evidence is mounting in tightly controlled scientific environments that our minds are powerful far beyond anything we dreamed of.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

- Theodor Geisel (Dr. Seuss)

Quantum physics is one of the most bizarre discoveries of the last century. Quantum physics cuts across everything we thought we new about the universe and how it operates. For instance in a quantum experiment, a stream of electrons, when observed, will either be seen as a wave function or, if an electron is observed it will present itself as a particle. As soon as the particle is observed by a scientist, the wave function which was previously observed will disappear.

Danish physicist Neils Bohr, puts forth one of quantum physics most outrageous claims: that there is no deep reality. Bohr does not deny the evidence of his
senses. The world we see around us is real enough, he affirms, but it floats on a world that is not as real.”

Potential of Mind over Matter

The human brain has massive amounts of optional and untapped power. Some estimates state that as much of 97% of the brain is in subconscious processes that go unmanaged and unused.. There have been many thousands of trials that examined focusing consciousness in order to affect physical reality under controlled conditions. The majority of the data supports the hypothesis that thought produces enough energy to change the material world.

Quantum physics explains how this is possible and prompts scientists to rework the rules that they thought governed all matter and physical bodies.

The corollary of quantum physics and mind over matter is that the 'law of attraction' is a real principle. This isn't to say that in order to be or have something manifest in our lives all we have to do is think about it. Nothing could be farther from the truth. At the end of the day anything that is produced requires work. We need to do more than think to grow rich. Thinking is just the beginning.

Discipline, Training, and Management of Mind Over Matter

Most of what we think about today we thought about yesterday. Most of what we will think about tomorrow is what we thought about today. We are creatures of habit. For better or worse the habits we create in our minds become our reality. Our thoughts shape and determine what kind of a world we live in. Dr. Masaru Emoto's book "The Hidden Messages in Water" is probably the most startling evidence of this phenomenon at work.

For his book Dr. Emoto took samples of water before and after Zen Buddhist Monks focused thoughts of love and compassion onto the water. Dr. Emoto then used a high powered microscopic camera to take pictures of both samples of water after it had been frozen. The difference between the two samples is amazing. The water crystals before being exposed to the monk's thoughts were chaotic with no discernable pattern. After the Monks focused their thoughts on the water the crystals changed into beautiful symmetrical and geometrical patterns. Dr. Emoto has done other experiments with water that produce equally astounding results.

Thoughts become things therefore only our imaginations and thought habits limit us to the possibilities that exist. In order to align ourselves with positive, productive, creative, and beautiful events we need to discipline, train, and manage our minds. While it may seem like a task that is beyond our abilities and skills the truth is that we are responsible for what goes on in our minds and we can control what we think.

How to Use Mind Over Matter

Changing what we think will change our world. Mind over matter has been shown to be something that is moving from the world of parapsychology, and new age thought, into the world of mainstream science and academics. The more that is discovered about quantum mechanics the more we will know about using the power of our minds to create a better world.

But why wait for those discoveries to be made? Why not change your mind for the better now? The technology to change your mind is available today. You can use scientifically proven technology and combine it with affirmations to create thought habits that will change the way you life and your life experiences today! Take a chance you have nothing to lose!

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