The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Self Esteem Activities.

Self esteem activities will directly impact how we feel about ourselves. Self esteem is an internal thought process that can be changed and improved by engaging in positive, productive, and meaningful activities.

The way we feel about ourselves is a reflection of how we think about ourselves. When we change the way we think about our value and worth, we change the way we treat others, ourselves, and the way we make decisions. Those decisions will have a huge impact on how we experience life.

Self esteem is all about good character. Studies are now showing that simply having self esteem is not necessarily a good thing. There are examples of people who have high self esteem but are unpleasant, unproductive, and toxic people to be around. Just because someone has considers themselves to be of high value or worth doesn't mean that they are. The way to healthy positive self esteem is to develop a sense of self worth by engaging in self esteem activities that benefit others as well as yourself.

Self Esteem

Self esteem is like a reservoir of water. When we are born we instinctively consider ourselves to be of value and worth. This natural instinct is either reinforced or damaged as we go along. The verbal assaults or failures we experience are like evil rodents who dig tunnels through the banks of the reservoir The water starts to spill out and the level of the reservoir begins to drop. The way to fix this is to either plug the holes, pump in more water, or both. Self esteem activities are the equivalent of plugging those holes, refilling the reservoir and shooting the evil rodents.

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.

- Eleanor Roosevelt



Here is a list of self esteem activities that will boost the way you feel about yourself:

  • Spend time with positive people who like you and encourage you
  • Ignore and avoid toxic, negative people who insult you or treat you badly
  • Do things that make you feel good
  • Do things you are good at
  • Reward yourself for your successes
  • Develop your talents
  • Honor yourself by taking care of yourself - do things that are good for you
  • Trust your own judgment - make your own decisions and stand by them
  • Take ownership of your life, your behaviour, who you are: be responsible
  • Always do the right thing
  • Have integrity don't violate your personal values
  • Respect others but keep your boundaries
  • Make goals and achieve them

If you have the inclination, create a scrap book that celebrates the positive things in your life. Include pictures of yourself at different ages, photos of events where you've done something well. Include mementos of awards, contests, certificates and so on. If you are the scrapbook type create a space in your home that honors 'you'. A shelf, a table, a stand, create a tribute to your successes and look at it whenever you need a boost.

Schedule self esteem activities If you use a calendar create blocks of time to do things that you enjoy. Schedule a small block of time every day to do something you love. It could be things like 'Call someone who appreciates me', 'take a walk in the rose garden', 'go look at the cherry blossoms', 'youtube an inspirational video', 'clean the kitchen for my spouse', 'spend time with my son/daughter' 'get a tan'. Commit to actually doing the things you've scheduled for yourself

Journal. Write down things that you've done well. Not just the big things but the little things too. Did you make someone feel good today? Write it in your journal. Did you encourage someone? Write it down. Did you complete a task well? Write it down. Eventually you will have a large volume of things that you've done that will make you feel very good when you review them. It is easy to ignore doing something like this but we tend to forget the little things we do. When we write them down we create a lasting gift to ourselves that is of huge value. If you really, truly want to increase your healthy positive self esteem this is one self esteem activity that you should engage in.

Compliment others. This will have two results - 1. it will make someone else feel good. 2. Making someone else feel good will make you feel good. 3. In time the people you compliment may return the favor and compliment you. This will make you feel good too! Ok, that's three results. A bonus just for fun! :)


Developing Positive Affirmations

One of your self esteem activities should be to develop affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you make about yourself that increase your sense of worth and value. They state how you would like to feel about yourself all the time. They typically don't describe how you feel about yourself at the present moment. The following examples of affirmations will help you in making your own list of affirmations —

  • I feel good about myself
  • I take care of myself.
  • I eat properly
  • I get abundant exercise
  • I do things I enjoy
  • I get good health care
  • I take care of my personal hygiene needs
  • I spend my time with people who are nice to me and make me feel good about myself
  • I am a good person
  • I deserve to be happy
  • People like me

Your self esteem activities should include making a list of your own affirmations. Memorize it, recite it, create cards or notes and place them where you'll see them. The more you see them, think them, write them down, the faster they'll become true for you.


Power Affirmations

When it comes to using affirmations, there is a scientifically proven technology available to make your affirmations so powerful and so effective that you can guarantee yourself a positive change in a short span of time. This technology has been developed recently but it has been known for centuries. It is a phenomenon that occurs in nature but can be used with intention and with a purpose. If your purpose is to create a positive level of self esteem this technology is for you

What is it? It is brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment forces your mind into a state where the affirmations you feed it are accepted without question. This technology is so incredibly powerful and so simple yet people tend to ignore it because it seems unlikely that something so simple could be so effective. But the evidence is there and the body of evidence is growing. People who use this technology are totally confident in it's ability to do what it claims - they have experienced what it can do. The become believers and they enjoy the success that it brings.

Of all the self esteem activities you can use this one is by far the most effective and powerful one to use. Why? Because it changes your mind. Not your conscious mind but your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will act on the affirmations you send it and you will find yourself doing those activities that will boost your self esteem.