The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Smart Goals

Setting SMART goals may seem a little intimidating at first. The rewards for learning how to use the process are huge. An attained goal is a feather in your cap. It will make you feel good it will boost your confidence and it will encourage you to press on an set bigger and better goals for yourself.

Start with a simple exercise. Grab a piece of paper or open your word processor and quickly write out two or three goals that you think you'd like to achieve.

Now let's get brutal with what you have written down. Do these goals focus on what you want to happen or what you want to have? Are they specific?

Being specific about a goal means answering the Five W's:

  • Who: Who is going to make this goal happen?
  • What: What is the end result?
  • Where: Where will this result happen?
  • When: When is the start date, when is the completion date?
  • Which: Which resources will I need and are available?
  • Why: Why exactly will this particular goal be of benefit?
  • An example of a vague goal: I'm going to get rich.

    An example of a specific goal: I'm going to double my income in twelve months by starting an online, web based business selling the widget I just invented. This will give me the freedom to quit my day job and focus on inventing, producing and selling my other great ideas.

    The Details of SMART Goals

    SMART is an acronym for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely
  • This acronym was formulated but Dr's Lock and Latham. In their research they discovered that challenging and specific goals bought out the best effort in people and motivated them to rise above mediocrity. The characteristics of a challenging and specific goal were then reduced to the five characteristics of SMART goals.

    To succeed, one must be creative and persistent.

    - John H. Johnson


    Here's a quick summary of the characteristics of SMART goals:

    Specific - A vague goal only has a slim chance of ever being realized. A specific goal answers the Five W's. With the Five W's answered, your goal has a very good chance of becoming reality in your life.

    Measurable - A specific goal can be measured by answering questions that begin with 'how'. How much? How many? How long?

    Attainable - Setting challenging goals will make you grow. It will boost your self-esteem and create confidence. When you challenge yourself with something that is difficult and commit to it, your subconscious mind will go to work for you to provide you with the attitudes, thought habits, skills and other specific traits necessary to get to your destination. An attainable goal must be within the realm of reason - challenging, but reasonable.

    Realistic - A realistic goal is something that is realistic for you. You define what is realistic or not. The way to define what is realistic for you is to ask yourself if you are both willing and able to work persistently and tenaciously toward this goal. If you are not 100% committed or passionate about seeing this specific goal through to completion it is not a realistic goal for you.

    Timely - Your goal has to have a start and an end date. Without these boundaries around your goal, procrastination, the arch enemy of achievement, will sabotage your best efforts to attain a good goal. With a specific start and end date your subconscious mind will go to work to see that it happens as you visualized it.

    Making SMART Goals Part of Your Life

    There are a few different ways of outlining SMART goals. What you just read above is the most commonly understood variation. The knowledge you absorb by reading that summary is awesome. When it is put into practice it will amaze you how effective you can be. You will accomplish things you never thought possible.

    There's one little catch though. And that is the 'putting it into action' part. Knowing something and doing something are two different things. We all know that exercise is good for us but how many people actually maintain a regular exercise regimen? There are loads of people who know the value and benefit of setting SMART goals, but few who actually take the time to write them down and then put them into action.

    It is the few, the special, the action oriented people who enjoy success. Why is it that even though we 'know' things we don't do them? The answer is quite simple. It's because of what is going on in our subconscious minds. Our subconscious mind has been trained or programmed to see itself as a non-goal setting entity. Any knowledge to the contrary will remain just that - knowledge. Until your subconscious believes that you are a goal setting and achieving machine, you will remain one of the vast majority who knows about goal setting but doesn't use or benefit from it.

    How to make SMART goals part of your life is relatively easy. Here's how...

    Program Your Mind to Make SMART Goals

    Programming your mind to make S.M.A.R.T. Goals is a goal in itself. The good news is that you don't have to go through the SMART process to make this goal happen. All you need is to believe that you can change your subconscious mind and then use the resources available to change it.

    Programming your mind happens through affirmations. Specific, carefully crafted statements repeated to your mind over and over will have the net effect of telling your subconscious to start believing these new affirmations and to make them the new paradigm. The key is repetition.

    SMART Goals on Steroids

    Affirmations work. They work powerfully and effectively. However, affirmations take time to sink in. They take time to rehearse and they take time and effort to create. Here at AFRS we have taken the effort out of reprogramming your mind by creating a unique product that takes the effectiveness of affirmations and boosts their power 100%.

    This product is based on the science of brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment puts your mind in a state where the messages you send it are accepted by the subconscious. These messages will be adopted and absorbed by your subconscious mind creating a new reality for you were SMART goals become like second nature.

    If you are serious about starting to set goals and see radical changes in your life, you owe it to yourself to invest in this new scientifically proven product.

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