The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Visualization Techniques

Visualization techniques will give you the control over what you see in your mind. Visualization is simply the process of creating a mental image of a thing or an event in your mind.

Visualization is very powerful when it comes to setting and achieving goals. Seeing a mental image of yourself as if you had already achieved your goal makes your subconscious mind believe that attaining that goal is possible. The reason for this is that your subconscious mind can't tell the difference between what you experience in 'reality' and what you experience in your imagination.

Have you tried doing some visualization techniques and discovered that it's next to impossible? Does your mind become unruly and uncooperative? Try this experiment. Grab something close to you. A pen, your mouse, a hat, whatever, just choose something. Look at it, study it, focus on it. Observe the details, the texture, the color. Now close your eyes. What do you see in your mind? Does it look like what you were focusing on? If it does, you're visualizing successfully. Would you like to improve your skills? Keep reading...

How to do it...

1. Relax

You will find it very difficult to see anything in your mind's eye if you are stressed out and tense. Relaxation is a must. Find a quiet place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Sit back or if possible lie down make yourself comfortable. Focus on each part of your body and let all tension go. Release it. Start at your toes and work your way up to your head. While you do this you need to be taking slow deep breaths from your tummy. This process need not take long - five minutes or so will do it.

2. Rehearse

Next you will want to create the scenario in your mind. It is not at all uncommon to have trouble 'seeing' a mental picture the first few times you try. If you persist, you'll succeed. To start you may want to visualize something you do everyday. Try to imagine something you enjoy. For example eating a good meal, having a coffee with someone special, dancing at the club, whatever is familiar and fun will do. Remember it as best as you can - try to 'see' all the details. Starting out like this will be extremely helpful when you want to visualize something you have not done or have not accomplished yet.


In my mind's eye, I visualize how a particular... sight and feeling will appear on a print. If it excites me, there is a good chance it will make a good photograph. It is an intuitive sense, an ability that comes from a lot of practice.

- Ansel Adams

3. Do it!

Once you've had a bit of practice doing some visualization techniques and are familiar with 'seeing with your mind's eye', you will want to try it out on your goal. Before jumping in with both feet do a bit of planning. Decide specifically what you want. Do you want to change your character? Do you want a promotion or a better job? Do you have a health or fitness goal? Choose your goal. When you're just starting this it's better to pick an 'easy' goal and work your way up to the 'harder' ones.

Now imagine yourself in the situation exactly as you would like it to be. See yourself as if you had already accomplished your goal. Make certain you observe all the details -- colors, sounds, smells, textures and so on. See it very clearly. Focus on it -- really get into it. Excellent! Now that you have a solid picture or mental image of yourself having succeeded you will need to recall it as often as you can. The more you recall it the more effective it will be. Does this mean that you have to go through the relaxation process every time? No. Recall this mental picture anywhere anytime - it only takes a second or two.

4. Believe

You must believe that what you see in your mind will really be yours. Any disbelief will work in opposition to what you're trying to achieve. Once you achieve your goal, acknowledge that YOU made it happen. Reward yourself! Reinforce the idea that you can do great things!

Visualization Tips

  • When you are using your visualization techniques remember to see things in 'first person'. Imagine things as if you are looking through your own eyes. You experience life in a first person way so your visualization should mirror that.
  • Avoid seeing yourself as if you were watching a movie of yourself. This will work, but it reduces the effectiveness of visualization. Why not get the most out of your efforts?
  • Keep it fun. You will return to things that you enjoy and repetition is key to making your visualization techniques work. See everything in the brightest, cheeriest colors you can think of. Make it vibrant and very very clear. You can add an imaginary sound track too just like good advertisements and movies do. Get pumped up.
  • Make the size of your mental theater as big as you possibly can. Make it 3D. Be there. The more realistic your imagination the more effective it will be.
  • Time

    Everyone wants to know how long will this take. We all want it, and we all want it NOW. The truth is that it all depends on you. How determined are you? How much time are you willing to put into practicing your visualization techniques? How strongly do you believe that you will attain your goal no matter what? Do you have the discipline to keep going when everything seems to be conspiring against you?

    Is there something else you can do to attain your goals? Yes there is.

    Visualization and Affirmations

    Visualization techniques work extremely well by themselves, but if you'd like your success to become automatic, if you'd like your mind to automatically see yourself attaining and achieving goals you need to combine your visualization efforts with affirmations. And not just any affirmations. The best technology is available today right here to reprogram and re script your mind with thought patterns and thought habits that will turn you into a goal seeking success machine.

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