The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Relaxation Aids

Relaxation aids usually mean a massager or other personal care device. Perhaps an herbal remedy or even drugs of some type are prescribed. Are these the answer? They can certainly help but why not get at the root of what's causing tension?

Tension is caused when a force is applied to muscles. Normally tension occurs when we lift an object, or move things around or exercise. This is healthy tension. However, there is a tension that happens when mental stress happens. This type of tension is created due to the 'flight or fight' response that is built into all of us.

Your mind experiences a stimulus and it responds with either a 'fight it' attitude or a 'run-away' attitude. In our culture, these responses are not appropriate unless there is real significant danger present. However, we are stuck with the physical symptoms anyway's. This produces tension.

Prolonged tension can lead to headaches, back aches and a number of other ailments. The common sense resolution to stress related tension is simply to relax. Some people don't have a problem relaxing and seem to be able to do so without any help at all. This page is not for them. The longer you have been tense and stressed the more difficult you are going to find it to relax. Chronic stress is unhealthy and one of the side effects is an inability to relax. Your solutions as noted above are usually mechanical or medicinal. But there is a better way....

The Best Relaxation Aids

Stress, tension, and the associated problems that come with it are all products of the mind. Your mind is telling your body to do something! Run or fight. Of course you'd end up in the psych ward or worse if you started fighting with people at work or in traffic. It is all in your mind.

Your mind is at the root of all your stress and tension related problems and it is in your mind that the best relaxation aids must operate. Massagers, herbs, and drugs only address the physical symptoms of tension. In order to truly beat stress and tension you have to go to the deepest levels of your mind and address the fight or flight response right there.

It is requisite for the relaxation of the mind that we make use, from time to time, of playful deeds and jokes.

- Thomas Aquinas

Very few people know how to control their minds even with relaxation aids. Meditation masters do, and so do scientists who've been studying the mind and how it works. Information is not that easy to find and the information that is out there is usually centered around an advertisement. The easiest and most direct way to relax, get rid of tension, and learn to deal with stress appropriately is to change your mind.

How do you change your mind? ...

Change your mind

The mind is developed in childhood by training with verbal instruction. Verbal instruction reinforced with discipline programs a child's mind and sets the child up for the rest of his / her life. Once a child reaches adulthood, it becomes more and more difficult to change one's mind simply because most thought is habit. Changing your mind is only as difficult as changing a habit.

The way to change your thought habits is by using the same method that created them to begin with -- affirmations.

Affirmations and Relaxation Aids

Affirmations for relaxation can make a wonderful difference in your life. But affirmations can be taken up a notch with other elements that can be introduced. For instance - music. Affirmations for relaxation with a soothing, relaxing sound track playing in the background can quickly relieve tension and bring calmness. Now if you add some tranquil nature sounds like the sound of rain, or waves on a beach, or a soft flowing stream, you've created something that will relax you for sure.

Now imagine a sound track that included affirmations for relaxation, calming music, nature sounds that also had the capability of forcing your mind into a relaxed state. That would be great wouldn't it?

The AFRS Solution

At AFRS we have the technology to do all that and more! You need relaxation aids? We have the best solution right here.

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