The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Improving Self Esteem.

Improving self esteem is important because how we view ourselves, how we feel about ourselves, how we regard ourselves will have a strong impact on how we live our lives. People who feel that they are likeable, or see themselves as being easy to love have better relationships with others. They make friends easily, they can network better, are more likely to ask for and get support or help when the occasion arises. People who believe in their own ability and power to achieve their goals will do better in the education system and in a work environment. Having healthy self esteem means that you are free to live life to the full.

Improving self-esteem is not an option for those who want more out of life, who seek happiness, peace and prosperity. We all have an idea of who we are, how attractive we are (or not), how popular we are (or not), how smart we are (or not), what we're good at (or not), and what our strengths are as well as our weaknesses. These thoughts - ideas - become the mental picture we own and call our self-image. Most of our self-image is based on our interactions with other people and our life experience. Our self-image is the foundation of our self-esteem.

Self-Esteem is:

Self-esteem is all about how valuable we feel as a person. It is about being or feeling loved, accepted and thought well of by others. It's about how we value, accept, and even love ourselves. Healthy self esteem is seen in people who feel good about who they are, appreciate their own value, and are proud of their skills, goals, and their ability to achieve. Unhealthy self-esteem is seen in people who think that no one will like them, that no one will accept them, and that they can not do anything or accomplish anything of worth. Improving self esteem is an important exercise.

To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are!

- Unknown

Before anyone can do anything about improving self esteem, they must know what creates healthy self-esteem and what causes unhealthy self esteem. There are two main areas that need to be examined: how others treat us, and our own self image.

Bosses, teachers, parents, all influence the ideas that become our self image. This is particularly the case when we are young. Kids who are exposed to a lot of criticism can have a harder time developing healthy self esteem. Especially if they are of the more sensitive type of child. During the teen years we are still working on figuring out who we are and where we stand in the world so they are still susceptible to what parents, teachers, coaches and other authority types say and do to them. Improving self esteem is critical in these early stages of life.

Damage happens

Damage to our self esteem happens when people who we respect and who we want to accept, like or even love us put us down, demean us, insult us and criticize us on a regular basis. An offhand comment does not destroy us. A constant barrage does. Over the course of days, months and even years a steady diet of verbal negativity can develop into that negative 'inner voice'. That inner voice then takes over where others left off. Just like a tape in a constant loop. Feeding up negative and soul destroying ideas every day. Most people don't realize that this 'inner critic' has developed and don't notice when they're putting themselves down.

Let's not blame it all on others. The truth is that we can set ourselves up for poor self esteem. This is done by setting expectations for ourselves that we have no hope of attaining.

  • "I'm going to play violin like Yitzhak Pearlman in one year. "
  • "I'm the next Celine Dion"
  • "I'm only 5' 0" tall but I'm going to be a center in the NBA"
  • You can see how this kind of thinking will lead to a sharp disappointment. Who you want to be, and who you think you should be might not fit with who you actually are and the pendulum can swing as far in the other direction. Everyone's perfect person is different; some would like to be a powerful athlete, others a respected genius and so on. In reality people who regard themselves as already having the character traits they admire in others such as being friendly usually have healthy self-esteem. People who see themselves as lacking the character traits they admire in others usually have unhealthy self-esteem. The odd thing about this is that quite often they actually do have the character traits they admire in others - they just seem to be unable to see those traits because their self image has been conditioned to be otherwise.

    Build it

    Improving your self esteem is a worthy goal that is quite do-able.The process is simple and effective. There are parts that are difficult and parts that can be remarkably easy.

    The foundation of self esteem is in your thoughts. To improve your self esteem you must, must, must change your thoughts. So the first thing to do is to try to eliminate that negative 'inner voice'. The notion that you can stop it is probably a bad idea. The way the mind works is to focus on one thing at a time. If you try to stop a negative thought, by virtue of the fact that you're focusing on that negative thought you are empowering it rather than stopping it. The way to eliminate it is to replace those negative thoughts with positive one. When you catch yourself being negative, say or think something positive. Everyday write down ten things that you like about yourself.

    Achievement is the second step. Before anyone is going to praise you for doing something before you can say you are improving your self esteem - you have to do something. Chose a goal or some goals. Long term goals, mid-term goals, short term goals. Then go about achieving them. Rather than expect perfection expect accomplishment. Think about what you're good at, what you like doing and go do it!

    Expect mistakes. Get over it, you're not perfect - no one is. You're going to make mistakes it's part of learning. Your abilities and skills are developing and mistakes are part of the process.

    Try something new. Now that you are ok, with mistakes go try something you've never attempted before .Trying different things with different people. Expose yourself to new activities. Why? Because you never know what you're going to be good at until you try. If you try something and you discover you're good at it - be proud of yourself.

    Get your head around what is in your sphere of influence and what isn't. Changing the color of your eyes is not in your sphere of influence. Getting fit is. Work at loving yourself right where you are and then work on the things you can and accept the things you can't.

    Contribute something. Become a mentor, teach someone, sign up for a charity event, volunteer your time. Feeling that you've made a difference and that what you have done is valuable can give your self esteem a very powerful boost.

    Enjoy life. Put aside all the things you think are deficient in your life and enjoy the here and now. Have goals but don't miss out on life because you're not 'there' yet.

    It is never too late to start improving self esteem. A healthy positive sense of self plays an important role in everything you do. By improving your self esteem you'll have better relationships, make friends easier, feel happier, have an easier time dealing with mistakes, get over failed expectations, and stick with your long term goals until you succeed.

    To Start

    There are a billion lists on improving self esteem on the internet. A million steps and all sorts of advice. Here at AFRS we don't leave you with a list and expect you to get on with it. No, we create the technology that is central to improving self esteem. That's right, we create technology that deals with what no list, advice, program, or set of steps can do. We can help you reprogram your mind. We make that technology available to you and put it in your hand. You are going to have to take the initiative, take a step towards healthy self esteem and get this technology. We make it available - it's up to you to take it and use it. Improving self esteem starts by clicking on this link.

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