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Psychotic Depression.

Psychotic depression is similar to a major depression but with the added features of hallucinations and delusions. Hallucinations are typically seeing things that are not there or hearing things that aren't there - perceiving things without the presence of a stimulus. Delusions are firm belief in something that is clearly false, fanciful, or deduced from a lie.

People who experience hallucinations and delusions and are psychotic don't really know that what they're experiencing isn't real. People who are experiencing psychotic depression are usually aware that what they are experiencing is not real. They may feel embarrassment and shame which can make this type of depression difficult to diagnose due to the fact that they might try to hide the fact that they are experiencing hallucinations and delusions.


Cause of Psychotic Depression

Scientists are still working on what causes psychotic depression. One of the things that they have discovered is that people who have this experience also have extremely high levels of stress with the associated elevation in cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol increases blood pressure and blood sugar. It also reduces immune responses.

As far as people who are predisposed to this kind of depression, a family history of depression or other mental illnesses tends to make one susceptible to this condition. Once psychotic depression has started the chances of a recurrence, bipolar depression, and suicidal tendencies increases.

A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it.

-Jerome Lawrence

Symptoms of Psychotic Depression

Symptoms of psychotic depression include:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Hypochondria
  • Insomnia or waking during the night
  • Physical immobility
  • Constipation and gastric disruption
  • Thinking impairment
  • Guilt feelings
  • Paranoia
  • People who can be classed as those who have depression with psychotic episodes have the combined symptoms of depression and psychosis.

    The nature of the delusions and hallucinations are consistent with a depressive state of mind. For instance, auditory hallucinations are usually voices speaking in very critical terms, pronouncing judgment that the patient has no value or self worth, or that they are evil and don't deserve to be alive. This can include the suggestion of suicide.

    This condition needs to be taken care of immediately in order to prevent self harm.


    Treatment of Psychotic Depression

    Treatment should begin with a visit to a qualified medical practitioner. It may require a hospital stay and close follow-up by a mental health professional. This is not a condition that can be ignored.

    The medical community will usually treat the condition with medication The medication used may be combinations of tricyclic antidepressants and anti-psychotic medications. The addition of lithium to this combination can be beneficial for those with bipolar disorder. Electro-convulsive therapy is very effective for this condition, but it is generally a second line treatment.

    Scientists are studying the effects of RU-486 (the abortion pill and emergency contraceptive) as it is said to significantly relieve the symptoms of this malady.

    It will also be necessary to make sure that there is no misdiagnosis of an underlying cause of psychotic episodes.

    As an adjunct to treating this disorder, we offer a drug free, natural way to deal with the neurological side of depression...


    Psychotic Depression and Brainwave Entrainment

    Your psychotic depression treatment program needs to include entrainment because it is a completely different, very effective, and affordable approach to treating depression. It may seem radical to you - but the science behind it is solid and looks very promising. In scientific circles depression is known as a 'slow-wave' disorder. This is because people with depression tend to have lower Beta waves than those without depression.

    Depression can be seen with EEG equipment. When an EEG is used on depressed people, the results show that depressives have a right frontal cortex that is more active than the left. There is no magic bullet for depression , however, people with depression caused by high stress levels, high anxiety levels, high insomnia levels, and low energy, respond well to alpha & theta entrainment. This can easily become part of your depression therapy.

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