The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Goal Setting Guidelines.

Goal Setting Guidelines help keep you on track and focused on your desired outcome. The truth is that you are your own worst enemy. That's right! You can't blame the boss, the spouse, parents, or that cranky teacher from back in grade 2. The enemy lies hidden and unobserved.

Don't believe it? Consider the last time you made a new years resolution. Did it stick? Did you create that new habit successfully? If you did you are the exception rather than the norm. Congratulations. However if you are like most people you'll have to admit to yourself that new years resolutions are like the mist of a spring morning. As soon as the heat of real life breaks like the morning sunshine over the hill, the mist vaporizes and is gone - never to be seen again till the next turn of the clock. Or new year as the case may be.

There is a very solid reason that new years resolutions don't work. It isn't because you are weak, it isn't because you lack self discipline, or will power. It isn't because of any deficiency in you. Quite the opposite it is because your subconscious mind is exerting it's considerable power to do exactly what you've programmed it to do. That's right - you are your own worst enemy. Goal setting guidelines can help you combat your subconscious mind.

The Smorgasbord of Goal Setting Guidelines

There is a virtual smorgasbord of goal setting guidelines available to you to choose from. The most common an popular set of guidelines comes in the form of S.M.A.R.T. goals setting.

SMART is an acronym for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely
  • This acronym was formulated by Dr's Lock and Latham. In their research they discovered that challenging and specific goals bought out the best effort in people and motivated them to rise above mediocrity. The characteristics of a challenging and specific goal were then reduced to the five characteristics of SMART goals.

    I think setting a goal, getting a visual image of what it is you want. You've got to see what it is you want to achieve before you can pursue it.

    - Chuck Norris

    Here's a quick summary of the characteristics of SMART goals:

    Specific - A vague goal only has a slim chance of ever being realized. A specific goal answers the Five W's. With the Five W's answered, your goal has a very good chance of becoming reality in your life.

    Measurable - A specific goal can be measured by answering questions that begin with 'how'. How much? How many? How long?

    Attainable - Setting challenging goals will make you grow. It will boost your self-esteem and create confidence. When you challenge yourself with something that is difficult and commit to it, your subconscious mind will go to work for you to provide you with the attitudes, thought habits, skills and other specific traits necessary to get to your destination. An attainable goal must be within the realm of reason - challenging, but reasonable.

    Realistic - A realistic goal is something that is realistic for you. You define what is realistic or not. The way to define what is realistic for you is to ask yourself if you are both willing and able to work persistently and tenaciously toward this goal. If you are not 100% committed or passionate about seeing this specific goal through to completion it is not a realistic goal for you.

    Timely - Your goal has to have a start and an end date. Without these boundaries around your goal, procrastination, the arch enemy of achievement, will sabotage your best efforts to attain a good goal. With a specific start and end date your subconscious mind will go to work to see that it happens as you visualized it.

    SAFE goal setting guidelines.

    This set of guidelines is intended for people who are predominantly 'right brained'. It is a system that requires imagination and the ability to use the mind. SAFE stands for

  • See the end result
  • Accept the end result
  • Feel the end result
  • Express the end result
  • See it

    Visualize the goal as it will be when you've accomplished it. Try to picture it with all the details you can manage. Observe the colors see the textures.

    Accept it

    Accept that your goal is as good as accomplished. Have the faith that you are able to do it and that you will do it. Accepting your goal as finished means that you remove any room for doubt. This will help protect you from the naysayers and it will also help to impress the new reality on your subconscious mind. You may not know the exact process that will get you to your destination but you must have the faith that you'll get there no matter what.

    Feel it

    Goal attainment is strengthened by combining your capacity to think and visualize the goal with emotions. As you see yourself having attained your goal let yourself feel the emotions that you would feel if it were real in fact. The stronger the emotion you feel the harder your subconscious will work towards that goal.

    Express it

    Use your power of description to talk about it. Describe it in detail talk about the benefits of this goal and what it will mean to you and others around you. Write about it. Put down in a journal or your computer all the feelings that having attained this goal will create. Write about how it looks, and feels to be in a position of attaining your dream goal.

    RUMBA goal setting guidelines

    RUMBA is very much like SMART and doesn't need much explanation. The acronym stands for:

  • Reasonable
  • Unambiguous
  • Measurable
  • Bounded by time
  • Achievable
  • STEP UP goal setting guidelines

    STEP UP is like the others:

  • Specific
  • Time-bound
  • Engaging
  • Practical
  • Under your control
  • Progress management
  • STAR goal setting guidelines

  • Specific
  • Testable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • SMARTER goal setting guidelines

  • Specific
  • Motivating
  • Achievable
  • Rewarding
  • Tactical
  • Evaluated
  • Revisable
  • GROW goal setting guidelines

  • Goal
  • Reality
  • Options
  • Will
  • SMAC goal setting guidelines

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Compatible
  • Keeping Your Goal Setting Guidelines Effective

    Regardless of which model you choose to use, there are some very important things you need to keep in mind as you start setting your goals or start your goal setting activities. There are some foundational things about goals themselves that you need to keep in mind:

  • A goal must be important to you personally - it can't be someone else's goal
  • A goal must be within your ability and strength to make happen
  • A goal must be something that is within a reasonable chance of being attained
  • A goal must be specific and have an action plan attached to it
  • Benefit of Goal Setting Guidelines

    The process of setting goals creates focus and helps you determine where you want to go in life. By knowing exactly what it is you want, you know where to concentrate your skills, talents, abilities, time and resources. You will be able to quickly spot distractions and the irrelevant things that distract mere mortals. Goal setting guidelines help you to stay powerfully motivated and the net result is an incredible boost in confidence and self esteem.

    The Enemy Within

    You read at the beginning of this page that you are your own worst enemy. You constantly have to fight and wrestle with a subconscious mind. This enemy is tricky because it can't be seen, heard, or felt. However the power it exerts over your life is enormous. The best way to defeat this enemy is to utilize it's power rather than resist it. Yes, you can make your subconscious work for you.

    Training your subconscious mind to become a goal setting and achieving power-house is as simple as giving it an order. Goal setting guidelines will help to train your mind but the most effective way of getting the cooperation of this most powerful part of your life is to use affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment.

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