The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Mind Power

Mind power is so amazing that it creates the temptation to say that when a person understands and develops the power of their mind the possibilities are unlimited. That would be hype -- also known as a lie. We are created to succeed in life, we are all goal achieving success oriented organisms. Some are better at achieving their goals that others. Here at AFRS we are enthusiastic about teaching people how to unleash their potential and tap into a force that is far more powerful that most people realize -- the mind.

Mind power is actually subconscious mind power. The abilities of the conscious mind can be great or limited, it varies from person to person. The abilities of the subconscious are far greater than the average person knows.

The common understanding is that the subconscious mind is a wonderful mysterious entity that does its own thing without need for input from us. Nothing could be further from the truth. The conscious and the subconscious mind are one and the same. They function differently but they work as a team. It is your conscious mind that feeds instructions to your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind does exactly what it's told. Your most dominant conscious thoughts will become the subconscious thought habits that work for or against you every day.

Mind Power Habits

The mind for the most part is an organ of habit. It, like it's owner, prefers to take the path of least resistance. It relies on habits to get things done. If we had to stop and think about mundane tasks every time we needed to do them we'd never get anything done! Skills like typing or playing piano would be impossible. Every day actions like opening a door would be a challenge. As it is, most things we do, even very complex tasks like driving the car, we do by habit. Almost automatically. That's just the way our mind works.

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.

- Aristotle

It becomes our responsibility to take control of our mind and to fill it with thoughts that take us where we want to go rather than thoughts of where we don't want to go. We, as individuals, are responsible to fill our minds with positive, empowering thoughts and let them dominate our minds. Mind power is the discipline and strength that comes when we assume responsibility for what we think.

Regardless of your current thought habits, you are responsible to discipline your mind -- to change it to better habits.


Our mind power is revealed in the way we behave. Our behaviours are determined not so much by what we consciously think but what we subconsciously think. Our actions are an average of the dominant thoughts in our mind. If you have low self esteem it is because your mind is dominated by self critical, self sabotaging thoughts. If you lack confidence it is because your mind is filled with self doubting thoughts.

Do you see how it is your mind that creates the world you live in? The difference between the successful and the average or unsuccessful person is not determined by IQ or talent, or skills. It is determined by what goes on in the mind -- your mind.

Mind Power to Change

Do you find yourself at a place in life where your are unhappy with your life? Look no further than the mirror for the cause. You have the power to change. You can't blame anyone for your current situation because you can do something about it. You are currently living the reality of 'The Law of the Harvest'. What's that? Simply this: you reap what you sow. If you've planted positive, 'I can do it' kinds of thoughts in your mind you will reap the rewards of someone who 'can do it'.

How to Use Your Mind Power

Up till now you may not have known that you could change. Now that you know that you can change you may not know how to change. The process of change can be fast or slow, effective or ineffective, it's really up to you.

Here's how it is done: The same way your mind created thought habits to begin with! That's right, by simple repetition of key phrases and statements. By thinking about, focusing on, new thoughts and behaviours. Sounds easy to do doesn't it?

It is and it isn't. Like anything the use of affirmations can take a fair amount of discipline. There is an easy way though. You can change almost any aspect of your mind by listening to affirmations that have been recorded. All you do is plug in your headphones and keep hitting the play button. Repetition is the key.

Once you've experienced the radical kind of change that affirmations can give you, you will want to charge forward and change other areas of your life. You will have found the joy of mind power.

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