The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Critical Success Factors

Critical success factors have been gleaned from the works of wise men...

For a very long time wise men have been trying to distill the character traits of very successful people down into a few basic - fundamental - statements.

Fortunately for you, those wise men were correct (after all, they are wise) and they have managed to distill the vat of success knowledge down to a relatively few principles.

These basic-to-success traits can be described in different ways and called a variety of things but for the most part they are the same core beliefs - habits - mental patterns.


Take a look at the Critical Success Factors....

Critical Success Factors #1: A Positive Self-Image

Medical professionals have identified and studied the profound effects that a positive self image has on an individual.

Perhaps the most obvious example of self image changing a person in a very radical way is the popular TV series 'Extreme Makeover'.

Miraculous changes occur in very short order when people are physically altered. Those who have a particular feature that is unattractive or even ugly repaired by surgery, experience an almost immediate rise in self-esteem & confidence.

The TV series has made lots of money off of this effect....

.... What you don't see on TV are the times when the patient continues to feel ugly, insecure, unattractive, and inadequate.

These people continue to behave just as if they still had their particular ugly feature!

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that rebuilding the physical appearance of a person is not the real solution to changing personality.

There seems to be a 'mental face' that people have that determines how they will behave. The way people 'picture' themselves is far more relevant to their behaviour than what they actually look like.

All successful people have a very positive picture or image of who they are.

A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.

- Joyce Brothers

A positive self image is the most important of the critical success factors. The rest of the factors rely on positive self image as a solid foundation to build on.

Critical Success Factors #2: Self Confidence

Confidence is something that is generally grown by experiencing success...

That may seem backwards at first glance because it seems to say that you have to have success in order to be successful. But remember ...

... success isn't the long term 'big' goal. Success is reaching those small daily goals. Success is accomplishing something - even the tiniest of objectives.

This principle is true in any human goal. From learning to walk and talk as an infant to being a neurosurgeon. Total overall success is gained by achieving those little steps.

The first time you try anything - from swimming... learning to waltz... making cookies - you will not likely have much confidence. Your first efforts will be faltering and hesitant.

However, when the basics are mastered confidence grows and before long the skill level goes from beginner, to intermediate, to expert, to master.

Small successes are stepping stones to greater successes. Smaller successes provide the confidence to attempt greater and greater things.

You can use this technique in your journey to success - start gradually & experience success on a small scale. While you travel start the habit of remembering past successes - forget the failures.

Practice improves skill and increases the rate of success in sports, salesmanship, music, or joke telling...

... not because of simple repetition but because the mind is focused on the successes and forgets the failures.

You will destroy self-confidence by doing the exact opposite: remembering the failures and forgetting the successes. Not only do we remember the failures but we make sure they are permanently stamped on our minds by emotion...

We whip ourselves with shame, and flog ourselves with a mental tongue lashing - and self confidence disappears.

It really, really, really doesn't matter how many times you've failed...

.... what really matters is the successful attempt. That memory must be remembered, reinforced, and dwelt on.

Go on you deserve it - make yourself remember and visualize your past successes. Everyone has succeeded at something, sometime.. yes, even you.

Reinforce those success memories with feelings. Remember how you felt when you succeeded - no matter how small it might have been.

When you feel this critical success factor being undermined - use your memory as a weapon. Think on your success and your confidence will soon return.

Critical Success Factors #3: Purpose Driven \ Goal oriented

Every living thing on the face of the planet is a goal seeking life form. The goal seeking mechanism is built in. It is part of the genetic code. The most basic goal of all is 'to live'. What does the goal of 'to live' mean?

For animals 'to live' means food when hungry, shelter from extreme weather, escaping predators, avoiding natural dangers, and breeding.

Human society would call food, shelter, clothing merely 'survival'. For mankind 'to live' means so much more that keeping the physical body alive and ensuring the survival of the race.

Humans have emotional and spiritual needs that animals can not comprehend... needs that animals do not have. This critical success factor means that mankind has a much wider range of possible goals to aim at in order to find fulfillment and happiness.

The goal seeking mechanism in humans turns them into problem solvers, artists, writers, inventors, merchants, explorers, monks, or even criminals. All this effort and activity is to attain that elusive state of 'to live'.

The animal kingdom operates by instinct. Animals do not chose what their goals are - their goals are hard wired into their existence. Human kind is different.

Humans are so incredibly different from animals that they should not rightly be called the 'human animal'. Humans have the capacity, the ability to to dream, to imagine, to choose goals and pursue them till they attain them...

When we accept whatever challenge faces us and confidently throw all our heart at the goal we find that our ability to meet the challenge is far greater than we ever imagined.

Successful people maintain an aggressive goal directed attitude and reject a defensive evasive negative one. Nothing will stop a successful person from achieving their goal.

Maintaining this aggressive goal seeking attitude is the center of being purpose driven & goal oriented.

This can be you - fearlessly accept the challenge - avoid the temptation to run away and hide ....

Choose today - decide to stand & fight rather than run!


Critical Success Factors #4: Highly Focused

This critical success factor - staying highly focused -is often overlooked.

You have your goal, it is yours - you own it. This goal has great meaning and importance to you ... it is a very specific goal with easily measurable standards. You are even flexible about how you attain this goal. Then something happens....

....You find that your goal remains out of reach.. there is always something getting in the way, something that needs to be done, something needs your attention.

It is a 'catch-22' situation. You need to do these other things but they get in the way of attaining your goal. You try working harder and you get more done, but .. still no closer to the big goal.

What to do? The most successful people realize that their biggest return will come from attaining their one big goal so they focus all their time, energy and effort on that one thing - and let others do the other 'stuff'..

There are some simple things you can do to retain your focus:

  • Do it
  • Dump it
  • Delegate
  • Defer
  • If you absolutely must do it - then do it.

    If you don't absolutely have to do it - dump it.

    If it absolutely must get done but someone else can do it - let them.

    If it absolutely must get done and only you can do it - Set a date and do it then.

    Critical Success Factors #5: Positive Imagination

    Out of dreams and imaginations come creations..

    It is out of our imagination and from our dreams that our goals come. Nothing manmade exists that didn't start as an idea in someone's mind.

    When we demand more of ourselves when we challenge ourselves to create what we've imagined....

    .... It is then and only then that we can rise to the challenge achieve great goals and show ourselves to be great.

    Highly successful people utilize this critical success factor by visualizing each step they must take to attain their desired goal.

    It is said of Nicolai Tesla that he never built any invention without working out all the details in his imagination.

    Albert Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

    Imagination like muscles gets flaccid with lack of use. Children are great at imagining things but the 'real' world seems to rob adults of this awesome ability. If your imagination hasn't been used it a while, brush it off and give it some exercise.

    Here is an easy way to get your imagination going:

  • Ask yourself - Ask yourself - "What would I do with ten million dollars?"
  • Now ask yourself - Now ask yourself - "How would I raise that fortune?
  • Now ask yourself - Now ask yourself - "What steps need to be taken to raise that fortune?
  • In your mind you have just created an empire! This is exactly what successful people do. They imagine their way to great fortunes... you can too!

    Critical Success Factors #6: Being Action Oriented

    Being self-confident, having a positive self-image, being purpose driven & goal oriented, having laser sharp focus, and imagination are all good and necessary critical success factors, but they are useless without...


    Until you move off the couch, until you take that first step on your thousand mile journey - your dreams are just that - dreams. Successful people are highly motivated action oriented people.

    The human being is created to respond automatically to hazards in the environment. Put your hand on a hot surface by accident. Your cognitive mind doesn't do anything....

    It is your lower systems that save you from a nasty burn. Your body was designed to take action. Consider your response if you found a snake on your chair as you were sitting down. Some would say that this is an emotional response rather than a response to an idea. However...

    It is an idea - information - received from the outside that triggered the 'emotional' reaction. Imagine now that someone was playing a joke on you and the snake wasn't real but a very good rubber imitation...

    Your reaction would be the same. The point is that you will act in accordance to your beliefs and imaginings rather than by emotion. Understanding that actions are the result of our minds gives us the lever we need to change our personality so that we, like other action oriented people can succeed.

    Critical Success Factors #7: Enjoying Goal Related Actions

    Successful people enjoy the process of getting to the goal. They enjoy every minute, every challenge, everything. The journey has as much joy in it as the goal itself.

    Critical Success Factors #8: Learning from every Failure & Success

    Both success and failure have lessons that need to be retained. From failure we learn what not to do. From success we remember what we should do.

    Thomas A. Edison discovered 1,500 ways NOT to make an electric light bulb. Abraham Lincoln lost several state elections before being elected President. Michael Jordan, was cut from his high school varsity basketball team his sophomore year?

    All these successful people are measured not by how they failed, but by what happened after the failure. After successful people succeed attain a goal, they learn the most when they think about what went wrong. After successful people fail to attain a goal, it doesn't’t matter whether they focus on successes or failures.... they will learn so long as they review the process.

    Critical Success Factors #9: Knowing that Failure & mistakes are unavoidable

    Any missile, once it is launched, is constantly off course, it fails its way to its destination. That's right - it fails it's way to it's destination. Here's how it works... the target for the missile is programmed into the navigation equipment on the weapon. The missile is launched and it immediately adjusts its flight surfaces to take it to it's target.

    However, wind, rain, temperature and all sorts of other factors start to affect the direction the missile is going and very quickly it is off course! The on board computers are constantly calculating and measuring to determine if the rocket is on track or not.

    When those built in devices detect that a change is necessary, the message is sent to the flight surfaces and they alter course redirecting the missile back on track. This process is repeated hundreds of times until the missile hits it's target.

    This critical success factor is never missing from the arsenal of a successful person. Mistakes and failure are inevitable. They are going to happen. Death and taxes are not the only things in life that you want to avoid but can't. Failure and mistakes will be made... they are in your path .. if you take a chance and aim for success, or if you stay on your couch..

    You are going to make mistakes... count on it.

    Your attitude towards mistakes and failure will determine what effect they will have on your life. Will you give up - or will you get up?

    Critical Success Factors #10: Gratitude.

    High achieving successful people know the how to squeeze the juice out of any life circumstance. You will never hear them complaining about the 'daily grind' because they know how to find satisfaction and joy in all they do.

    This is a critical success factor that is learned early in life but can be extinguished by listening to the negative voices of the hoards around you. There is so much to be pleased with and so much to be thankful for...

    ... yet so many people spend so much of their time griping and moaning about this bad break or that unlucky situation.

    Critical Success Factors #11: Responsibility

    No successful person plays the blame game. It was Victor E. Frankl who discovered the basic principle that is uniquely human

    - Between stimulus and response lies the power to choose.

    Victor Frankl was a German Jew and a psychiatrist. He was imprisoned during WWII in Auschwitz - Birkenau. He endured the most degrading and barbaric treatment a man could be subject to ...

    But he survived. When he put his memoirs into print he gifted the world with this discovery. We now know that survivors, those who succeed, those who rise up and overcome against all odds have this critical success factor in a large degree..

    Responsible people do not blame their circumstances, their environment, their genetics, their lousy boss, wife, husband, parents, teacher or anything...

    ... No, they know deep down inside that their behaviour - their success or lack of it - is a result of their own thought habits and not as a result of feelings that are stimulated by what they experience.

    You can include these critical success factors into your character by using affirmations with brainwave entrainment.


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