The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

A Beautiful Mind

The mind is an amazing and powerful organism... a beautiful mind is more than a work of art or a thing to be wondered at...

.. more than anything it is something to be desired and owned. It is something every student of success is aiming at whether or not the student realizes it.

Like the old engineers saying ...

"...if it looks right, it is right"

A successful mind is a thing of beauty. A beautiful mind is divine.

Your Brain & Your Beautiful Mind

The brain is physically made of several distinct parts. The mind is only made of two: conscious and subconscious.

Each part is different from the other - each has its own role, strengths, and attributes. A beautiful mind operates like a well oiled machine .. like a ship..

Your mind is like a beautiful cruise ship...

The conscious mind is the master - the captain - of the ship. The captain gives orders and the crew - in their assigned places around the ship do their various jobs with the boilers, instruments, and gauges, etc.

The crew does not navigate - they only follow orders. The ship will go where the master and commander directs it. It can go into port, out to sea or onto the rocks. All courses the ship takes depend on the captain making the right decisions based on his calculations with compass, sextant, and charts.

The crew obey the captain because he is the boss - he knows what he is doing and where he is going. The crew don't question or talk back, they don't sit down and have committee meetings, they obediently carry out his orders.

Your conscious mind is the captain of your ship - your body, surroundings, all of the things you do.

If you constantly tell yourself things like...

  • I can't do it
  • I can't afford it
  • I'll never be able to...
  • I'll never amount to anything
  • I'm going to fail
  • It's no use
  • Who cares?
  • I'm too old
  • I'm too young
  • What a drag
  • ... you can be sure that your subconscious mind will follow your orders. It will make sure that you can't do it, can't afford it, and will never be able to do....

    Who charted the course?

    When negative life circumstances happen - you won't even be aware that it is you that has engineered them yourself.. by ordering your subconscious mind to make sure they happen.

    When the cruise ship, her captain, and crew all work in harmony it is a thing of beauty. When the captain fails in his duty, or if the crew mutinies, it is a horrifying disaster - a spectacle to be watched on the six o'clock news.

    You can create a beautiful mind...

    Your secret weapon for a Beautiful Mind

    Your mind is your most valuable possession. You may not appreciate it - but it is. It is always with you wherever you go.....

    .....but it's incredible, amazing power will only be available to you when you have discovered how to use and manage it. You are in charge of your mind and as long as you are in charge of your mind you might as well have a beautiful mind.

    Your conscious mind does the thinking and what you think on repetitively becomes a thought habit. Thought habits are assigned to the subconscious - which creates your life according to your instructions.


    Important Note:

    When your subconscious mind accepts something as true...
    it will act on it immediately.

    The most remarkable quality of a beautiful mind - the subconscious mind - is that it does not distinguish good thoughts from bad. The subconscious mind will act on bad thoughts just as readily as good thoughts. This principle is why so many end up as frustrated, unhappy failures. The opposite is just as true. When you constantly think thoughts of agreement, ability and power, your experience will be health, success, and prosperity. You will have a beautiful mind.

    How to Create a Beautiful Mind

    The subconscious mind will use every bit of information available to it gathered from a lifetime of experience. Sometimes it will provide a solution for you immediately, sometimes it might take days, perhaps weeks or even months and years... but eventually it will provide a solution.

    One Mind Two parts.

    Your conscious mind is your reasoning power - the captain. Your subconscious handles things like breathing, heart beating, digestion and all your thought habits. Your subconscious accepts what your conscious mind believes.

    You cannot lie to your subconscious.

    Your subconscious does not try to figure things out - it leaves that to the captain and master. Whatever comes down the pipe is accepted as truth. It will accept and respond to any suggestion or affirmation (a repeated suggestion) and act on it.

    How very important then to choose thoughts, ideas and arguments that reflect what you truly want in life. Only you can choose to have a beautiful mind.

    You conscious mind is the captain - part of his job is to protect his ship and crew from wrong orders. The reason for this has already been stated - the subconscious always believes and acts on what it is told. The subconscious is very sensitive to affirmations - suggestions.

    If you have been telling yourself wrong, distorted unsuccessful thoughts, ideas and concepts - the most important thing you can do for yourself is to correct your thoughts.

    The ONLY way to do this is to feed your subconscious mind frequent, repeated meals of healthy, happy, affirmations. The more often you repeat affirming declarations - the quicker your subconscious mind will accept and act on them.

    Long years of habitually negative thinking will leave deep grooves embedded in your mind. This is true in a physical sense. Scientists have discovered that when you change your mind your brain physically changes.

    The neurons of your mind have connections to millions of other neurons. When you change your thought habits those connections will change.

    It's not just possible it is inevitable...

    The more you repeat good things to your mind, the more it will change, and the more your behaviour will change, the more your life will change.

    So simple, so powerful, so effective .. so easy to create a beautiful mind.

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