The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Low Self Confidence.

Low Self Confidence can be as crippling as a physical disability. With a lack of confidence just getting out of bed in the morning (if you can find a reason to) is a challenge. The absence of confidence makes us feel like a failure before we even attempt anything. It robs us of energy, it robs us of the hope and faith that we can attain our goals and dreams.

Confidence stands like a guard on our minds that banishes negative thinking and doesn't allow defeatist thoughts to take root. Some who have a lack of confidence will cover that lack of confidence with other bad habits like over eating, alcohol, and drugs. The absence of confidence leads to a preoccupation with self which turns into self-centeredness. Low self confidence will trigger other negative feelings such as low self esteem, low energy, depression, negative thinking, poor hygiene, and a lack of ambition in life.

If you were watching someone else exhibit all these symptoms and characteristics wouldn't you want to reach out and help them? The truth is that unless you could reach into their minds and alter the way they think you wouldn't be able to help them but you would certainly want to wouldn't you? If you struggle with low self confidence, you need to help yourself. You need to deal with the way you think and what you think and you need to do it today. Life is too short to live even a day in the pit of low self confidence.

Habit and Low Self Confidence

Confidence or a lack of it is decided in the depths of the mind. What we habitually think about - we become. If our thoughts are all self depreciating and negative our external life will reflect that. And that in turn confirms and helps establish low self confidence. It becomes a vicious cycle. The good news is that this cycle can be broken. Habits can be broken and new habits created.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

- Buddha

In fact, one of the easiest ways to break an old habit is to create a new one. Breaking an old habit without creating a new one is almost impossible. A good example of this is cigarette smokers. Cigarette smokers are compelled to quit the smoking habit without creating a new habit. It is common knowledge how difficult a habit cigarette smoking is. There is a whole industry dedicated to making great piles of money of this simple fact. If cigarette smokers could replace cigarette smoking with another habit their task would be much easier. Physical addiction to cigarettes only lasts about three days after that it's all in the mind.

Causes of Low Self Confidence

We are not born with low self confidence. The causes of low self confidence are many and complicated. The development of confidence begins in childhood. Parenting can adversely affect confidence or build it. Parenting is a very tricky thing - children don't come with instruction manuals and what works with one child does not work with another. If you suffer from low self confidence it will not help to blame your parents and continue to wallow in the mire of low self confidence. There are other factors involved, for instance:


Fear prevents you from taking positive action. Taking positive action is what builds confidence. Fear is a liar. 99.9% of what fear says will happen never does. Your confidence will grow or shrink in direct relationship to the way you deal with fear. Take a calculated risk and endeavour to accomplish something and the chances are you will succeed. That success will boost self confidence.


In this world and in life in particular there are many occasions when we feel guilt. There are real guilt feelings that happen when we violate real absolute standards (stealing, assaulting, insulting, murdering, etc). There are also false guilt feelings that happen when someone 'should's' us. For instance when someone you love tells you that you should be doing something and if you don't you don't love them. This may make you feel guilty if you don't comply. This is false guilt.

If you have done something wrong the right thing to do is to make it right. Apologize and ask for forgiveness. You may or may not receive that forgiveness but if you've done everything in your power to make it right you've absolved yourself of guilt. If you've done nothing wrong but feel guilty anyway's realize that you are not perfect and that the expectations of others do not obligate you.

When you deal with real and false guilt feelings your low self confidence with become a think of the past.


Unrealistic expectations of your own performance can lead to low self confidence. When you don't succeed at something the first time, or second time you try something and you conclude that you've failed - eventually you will conclude that you are a failure and your confidence levels will take a significant hit. You may need to get outside opinions and evaluations to determine what a realistic expectation for a give goal, or new skill, or project should be.

Tips for Dealing with Low Self Confidence

The following represent some simple tips that you can use to raise your level of confidence. Low self confidence is a learned condition and you can 'un-learn' it just as easily as you learned it to begin with. Here are some simple ideas to help you get started:


Doing something as simple as raising your chin can help you feel and look confident in a moment. Other posture changes can have the same effect. Hold your head up, put your shoulders back, stand up straight. This may feel awkward if you've had low self confidence for years. But look in a mirror, in spite of feeling odd, it actually makes you look good!


No one can tell if you're pretending or not. Do the things that confident people do, behave in ways that confidence people do, if you develop this habit you will eventually be confident and you won't have to act. It will be real.


Your friends have a profound effect on your mental outlook When you find that your friends and social contacts are negative and critical of you - take it as a sign that you need a new group of friends! Find and develop relationships with people who are positive and affirming.

Self Talk

Most people would never say the harsh, critical, insulting and mean things to others that they say to themselves. If your inner voice is a jerk - fire it. That negative voice isn't serving you well. It's time to get rid of it. When those self critical words pop into your head ... reject them. Get mad at them just like you would if it were someone else who said them. Tell yourself that you are capable and worthy of respect - after all, you are.

Practice Positive Thinking

The key here is 'practice'. It is practice, the repetition of a new skill that creates a new habit. When you practice positive thinking, a positive thinking habit will be the result. Only when you have the habit will you enjoy the result of positive thinking. In spite of what arrogant critics say of positive thinking, the results speak for themselves. Would you rather wallow in negative self thought or dance in the sunshine of positive thinking. It's your choice.

The Quickest way to deal with Low Self Confidence

The quickest way to deal with low self confidence is to reprogram your mind with confidence producing affirmations. Confidence is a state of mind and your mind states can be managed easily and effectively with modern scientifically proven technology. Brainwave entrainment is a profound and effective technology that puts your mind in a receptive state where affirmations become your new way of thinking. You can find this technology here.

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