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  • The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

    Change your mind - change your life!

    Affirmations for Kids

    Affirmations for kids just make sense! Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of affirmations. Their minds have not reached a stage in development where they can consciously decide whether or not the things they hear about themselves are valid or invalid. What better gift can a parent, guardian, or teacher give to a child than positive, empowering affirmations?

    Affirmations are such an amazing and powerful tool for adults to modify their behaviour and thought patterns. Doesn't it just make sense to build a child up before they need to search for self help and re-scripting techniques as adults? Think of the pain and struggle you could spare your children. Think about the serious advantage they would have as they prepare to enter this often hostile world.

    The reason affirmations for kids are so effective with kids is as mentioned above - their brains have not developed to a point where they can discriminate and therefore defend themselves against all the negative rubbish that may be slung at them from the class bully, a hostile peer group, thoughtless or mean teachers, or other adults who lack the integrity to nurture a developing mind. But there is something else about a child's brain. While the brain of an adult works in the 'beta' rage of waves, a child's brain is permanently in the lower 'alpha' and 'theta' ranges. These are the ranges that adults try to get to in order to reprogram their minds.

    Affirming Children

    Affirmations for kids is a teaching process. It is the means by which we train the young ones to treat each other and themselves with respect. It is where they learn to value themselves as human beings and develop a sense of self-worth.

    We start life with a simple acceptance of the things that adults tell us. We have no reason to disbelieve what we are being led to believe. The dark side of this is that children can be programmed with negative, unhappy, limiting thought habits even before they get to grade one. As a responsible adult, you need to teach your little charge to free their mind of worry and think happy, positive thoughts before going to school and at any time during the day. This will prove to be a huge boost on two different levels. Research has shown that when a mind is consumed with emotion, the part of the brain that is devoted to learning is inaccessible! The obvious conclusion is that happy positive kids, are going to learn quicker and easier. So the two levels are: 1. an emotionally well adjusted child, and 2. A child who is free to learn.

    On the one hand, people think they own kids; they feel that they have the right to tell the kids what to do. On the other hand, people envy kids. We'd like to be kids our whole lives. Kids get to do what they do. They live on their instincts.

    - David Duchovny

    By making positive optimistic affirmations for kids part of your nurturing skills, you will be programming you children with positive self-esteem, and faith in themselves. During the early years of school, kids are concerned mostly about how they feel. Positive affirmations for kids can help them develop healthy relationships with others thus helping them to feel good. When they feel good they will be good

    Your Part

    Encourage and affirm your children to take responsibility. Let them make decisions and let them experience the result. For example, you could let your child decide what she/he would like packed in the lunch box, or they can decide which shirt to wear, or which pair of socks. This will help them form a foundation for responsible decision making as they get older.

    Direct your affirmations towards your child. A child's self-talk is learned. They learn from other people. Whether they hear words directed at them or whether they hear someone else talking about them -- they are learning. Consider this, when you do something clumsy around the house and you get annoyed with your self and blurt out 'Oh, I'm such a klutz' - your child is listening. They will model this behaviour. When they do something awkward they will repeat the same response you did: 'Oh, I'm such a klutz'. You didn't tell them they were a klutz, but they learned that from you!

    Affirmations of praise, encouragement, and love will cause a child to grow into a person of positive, optimistic, and loving temperaments. Critical, sarcastic blaming words will lead a child to feel shame and worthlessness. Affirm and praise the positive, and encourage a different approach with the negative.

    A Child's self-talk

    You can teach your child to monitor and auto-correct faulty self-talk. While you cannot read a child's mind you will often hear them speaking out loud what is going on inside their head, especially when they feel stress. Affirming your love regardless of behaviour goes directly to a child's heart.

    Beware of the verbal eraser. The word 'but' is the verbal eraser. 'Your report card is wonderful ... but you could have done better'. The only thing a child will hear and then focus on is 'you could have done better'. That may be the case but like puppies, children respond to praise and encouragement far better than any negative comment you may make. The verbal eraser can be dealt with by learning how to create affirmations. Once you've mastered the art of creating affirmations, use them and nothing more with your child. Affirmations for kids are extremely effective and powerful - use them wisely.


    Here are some example affirmations for kids:

    • I believe in my abilities
    • I am special
    • I am unique
    • Telling the truth is important
    • I am proud to be me
    • I choose to make today great
    • I learn from mistakes
    • I feel good about myself
    • I like learning
    • I like school
    • I like my teacher
    • I am happy
    • I make friends easily
    • I am important
    • People like me
    • I think happy thoughts
    • More Resources

      At AFRS we are passionate about helping people help themselves, about personal change and growth. We specialize in creating affirmations that go far beyond the mere repetition of positive phrases. We create high quality, carefully crafted affirmations and record them in a professional studio and then embed the track with brainwave entrainment. Discover our resources that can help you with affirmations for kids.


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