The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Improve Self Confidence

Improve self confidence -- improve your life. The value of confidence can be seen in what happens when you have a lack of self confidence. A lack of self confidence will prevent you from succeeding.

Even if you have talent and skill a lack of self confidence will prevent you from doing what you are perfectly capable of doing. Examples of this are seen everywhere.




Consider the salesman who knows all the best sales techniques, yet when he is face to face with a customer -- without self confidence he will blow the sale every time. He needs to do something about self confidence.

Who would buy a product from someone who has no confidence? The problem isn't that the product isn't good, or that the salesman doesn't know his product -- no, the problem is his limiting belief that he won't do well.

Or how about the student who knows his course material inside and out but when the pressure of an exam rises -- the mind goes blank. The expectation of failure is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

One important key to success is self-confidence.

- Arthur Ashe


Public speaking is a great example. There are loads of people who have understanding of a subject, know how to prepare and create a great speech that an audience would love, and even practice in front of an imaginary audience.

But when the time comes to do it for real... the hands sweat and shake, the butterflies in the stomach go supersonic, the knees shake, the throat constricts...

They are quickly defeated by thoughts of self doubt, worry and anxiety.

Public speaking is a great example. There are loads of people who have understanding of a subject, know how to prepare and create a great speech that an audience would love, and even practice in front of an imaginary audience.

But when the time comes to do it for real... the hands sweat and shake, the butterflies in the stomach go supersonic, the knees shake, the throat constricts...

They are quickly defeated by thoughts of self doubt, worry and anxiety.


The odd thing about these examples is that if you were to take such people and hypnotize them - they would then perform their sales pitch, or speech, or exam flawlessly.

Hypnosis does not give them a new skill -- it simply allows the individual to be in a state where they have complete uninhibited access to their best mental resources.

What new goals would you attempt, what challenges would you accept if you were hypnotized to believe with total certainty that...

... you would succeed?

Improve Self Confidence Now!

Generally speaking confidence is the result of a history of successes. The good news is that you don't need a history of successes to be (and feel) confident.

Confidence is an attitude an inner mental belief that you can call on when you need it or want it. When your 'knowledge' tells you that you to expect failure you have the ability to command your mind to overrule that thought and feel confident anyway.

The desire to improve self confidence may take you down many paths. You will find lots of books, seminars, and self help groups. The fact is that unless your internal systems change -- you won't.

You can read all you want. Listen to seminar tapes endlessly, but unless your underlying thought patterns change you will experience what you have always had.

So how do you improve self confidence? What should your first approach to increasing self confidence be?

A lack of self confidence exists totally in your mind it is the result of your thoughts and nothing else. To improve self confidence you absolutely must change your thoughts.

The fastest and most effective way to change your thoughts is by using affirmations. Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment. Entrainment will put your mind into a receptive state and affirmations will inject confidence inducing thoughts into your subconscious mind.

The result will be automatic self confidence without the need for gimmicks, books, seminars or therapy. Do you want relief from a lack of confidence? Do you want to get a life?

Take the plunge -- try affirmations with entrainment --
improve self confidence.

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