< Developing Self-Esteem

The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Developing Self Esteem

Developing Self Esteem becomes necessary when your self concept is sabotaging your success in life. A healthy level of self esteem is a critical part of your character. It is necessary for productive outcomes, overcoming negative expectations, self sabotaging thoughts and behaviours, and destructive emotions.

Your emotions are not facts. Your emotions are just feelings. Emotions come and go they are not who you are. Emotions are like waves on the ocean. The waves are not the ocean they only indicate the ocean's current mood. That mood will change. Just like yours. When self esteem is linked to emotion it will be a wild ride. Ups, downs, and everything in between. Developing self esteem will help stabilize your ship as you navigate over life's stormy waters.

Developing Self Esteem The Healthy Way

Those of us with a healthy self concept and feel good about ourselves have an easier time dealing with conflict and overcoming negative pressure. We tend to smile more, enjoy life more and feel more optimistic about the world around us.

Those of you who struggle with low self esteem find daily challenges to be a point of worry and frustration. You will have a difficult time finding solutions to problems. When a low self concept is combined with self critical thought habits, you may become passive, socially withdrawn, and depressed. Usually the first response to a new task is 'I can't'.

Adversity, and perseverance and all these things can shape you. They can give you a value and a self-esteem that is priceless.

- Scott Hamilton

Self esteem is based on the sum total of our beliefs or feelings about ourselves. It is our self perception. The way we regard our worth and value will color our motivation, our attitude, and our behaviour. It also deeply affects our emotional state. Developing self esteem starts in the very first stages of life. The idea and understanding that success follows persistence is created very early in life. As kids new things and fail then try again, and again, and again, and then succeed, they develop an understanding of what they are capable of.

At the same time they are learning about what they are capable of, they are creating a self concept based on interaction with the people in their world. Considering that parents are usually the primary contact for young children it is of paramount important that these interactions are positive and healthy.

Developing Self esteem is done by creating feelings of capability combined with the feeling of being loved. A child who is happy with his or her performance but does not feel loved may eventually end up with low self esteem. The opposite situation is also true, a child who feels loved but is un happy with their performance can develop low self esteem. Healthy self esteem is created when there is a proper balance of these two feelings.

Developing Stable Self Esteem

Self esteem fluctuates. Experiences and perceptions are dynamic and our self esteem tends to follow our experiences and perceptions. Indications that self esteem may be slipping or has slipped include:

  • Reluctance to try new things
  • Critical self talk (internal & external)
  • Low tolerance for feeling frustrated
  • Giving up easily
  • Wanting someone else to take over
  • Developing self esteem that remains stable and even you will want to monitor and do some of the following:

  • Watch what you say.
  • Negative self talk is destructive and self sabotaging. Learn what you can to develop an awareness of your self talk and redirect it when it becomes harsh, negative and critical.
  • Nurture yourself
  • Being hard on yourself is not productive. Be kind to yourself in the same degree that you want others to be kind to you.
  • Identify and redirect inaccurate beliefs about yourself
  • Often our ideas about ourselves are irrational, and absurd. Whether it is about our looks 'I'm so ugly', or our scholastic achievement 'I'm so stupid I'll never get this' or our athletic ability 'I'm such a gimp, I'll never be on the team'. These thoughts need to be corrected and adjusted to reflect reality.
  • Nurture loving relationships in your life
  • Feeling loved goes a long way to developing self esteem. By loving others we will be loved in return - a very worthwhile investment.
  • Give yourself positive feed back
  • When you find a lack of positive feedback in your environment, take responsibility to recognize a job well done and praise yourself.
  • Acknowledge event the smallest achievements
  • Developing Self Esteem Guaranteed

    When acquired knowledge about developing self esteem and using self help techniques don't seem to be working it's time to look for a better solution. Family counselors can help to uncover what's holding you back from feeling good about yourself. Therapy can help to change the way you view the world. But there is a better way.

    Self esteem is a product of what goes on in the mind. It is directly related to the thoughts we think on a daily basis. Those everyday thought habits contribute to our sense of worth and value. If those thoughts are continually negative and critical our self esteem will reflect what our predominant thought is. If you want to really know why your self esteem is low - it's because of what you think.

    Change the way you think and you will develop your self esteem. Thought habits can be difficult to change. It means that we have to be aware of what we're thinking to begin with and then change what we're thinking when we catch ourselves with self sabotaging negative thoughts.

    The best way to change the way we think is by using affirmations. Affirmations, when used correctly, are powerful and effective in changing your thoughts. If you want to develop self esteem in a way that is fast powerful and is proving to be permanent you need affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment.

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