The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Thought Control...

The idea of thought control tends to bring up mental images of the CIA, KGB, and other shadowy, nefarious organizations and their agents. Religious cults are notorious for mind control and we are suspicious of dark and conscienceless government agencies who relentlessly work to discover the most effective way to control the mind of their enemies.

Thought control can be forced on the unwilling victim or it can be a discipline enjoyed by the few enlightened people in this world who know the secret of success. When applied from the outside, thought control is usually a psychological tool used as a tactic to undermine a person's control of his own thought processes, whereby behaviour, emotions, and decisions can all be influenced. The focus of this page is not on the negative uses of thought control but on it's positive uses. On this page we are going to discuss the positive forms of thought control as used from the inside. Learn thought control and enjoy the power of the mind. As the proverb goes: 'Control your thoughts - Control your life.'

How to Control Your Thoughts

The mind is a machine that never rests, never stops, a machine whose power can be harnessed for good or a machine whose power can be used for ill. The unfortunate fact of life is that most of us primarily engage our mind machine in negative, pessimistic thinking. This gets us into all sorts of trouble. Problems arise and we find ourselves victimized and overwhelmed. Depression, anxiety, worry, dread, fear creep in and rob us of a zestful and joy filled life.

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind.

- Buddha

The whole point of disciplining our minds and taking control of our thoughts is to move from our current experience to a better, happier, meaningful, more joy-filled life. So how do you control your thoughts? Just by asking that question you are one step ahead of millions of people who neither care or believe that they can control their minds. People who think there is no need to change the way they think.

The Process

Lists are limited in usefulness unless they are put into practice but the following list is a guideline that will help you to discover the power of thought control. After the list you will find some information that will make thought control as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Make a conscious deliberate decision to stop negative thinking
  2. Negative thinking is a habit and like all habits that we want to change, the first step is simply to make a clear, conscious decision to stop the rehearsal of negative counter productive thoughts. Be aware of the negative impact negative thoughts have and make a conscious rule not to allow them any more.

  3. Regard thoughts as being separate and distinct from yourself
  4. When you first try to stop negative thinking it will seem impossible. It feels like they are coming from a much stronger and forceful part of your mind. Indeed they are - your subconscious. Because we can't immediately control our subconscious mind we need to treat it like a foreign entity - something apart from ourselves. Regard these negative thoughts as though they are unwelcome intruders coming in from the outside. This is an extremely effective way to start the process of thought control. Once we regard negative thoughts as separate from ourselves it becomes possible to stop them.

  5. Ask who it is the source of the thought
  6. This step logically follows the 2nd step. Whenever a negative thought appears question it. Where is this thought coming from? Whose thought is it? By asking these thoughts we force our mind to accept the fact that there is an 'I' who can and will decide to reject negative thoughts. You are not a victim of your mind. You are the master and commander of your thoughts.

  7. Use the thought as an alarm bell
  8. Any new program to create a new habit takes determination and effort. Because we tend to let our minds run unattended we need to be alert to every thought that goes through our mind. A simple filter will do if the thought is positive let it pass, if it is negative - hear a mental alarm bell going off and toss that thought out as the reject it is. Disown it.

  9. Focus on the positive
  10. When you have a thought that simply will not be rejected the easiest and most effective way to block it is by filling your mind with something else. Something totally different. Think about some positive memory or a pleasurable experience. When you do this the effect will be that you are ignoring the negative and welcoming the positive.

  11. Meditation
  12. This isn't the sort of meditation that requires you to empty your mind. Rather fill your mind with a single positive thought and focus on it to the exclusion of every other thought. Do this while relaxing or walking. This will seem difficult when first attempted but continued practice will hone this skill until you are able to control your thoughts.

The Short-Cut to Thought Control

As promised above, this next section will introduce you to something that will help you control your thoughts in a very short amount of time and with very little effort on your part. Let's face it, very few people have the discipline and the inner strength to put the list into practice. A few might try for a few days but the majority of those who read this page will file the information and never act on it. The consequence is that they will be stuck with their pathetic, mediocre lives.

No one decides to be pathetic and mediocre it just happens. But now you can do something about it. You can smash negative thinking and pessimism with a massive sledge hammer that never misses it's target. You probably want to know what that hammer is don't you? There is no hype here, no sales pitch just the facts. Do with them what you will.

The short-cut to personal thought control is found by using scientifically proven technology. The technology is readily available on this site and others, and it is extremely inexpensive compared to the results that it provides the user. The technology is brainwave entrainment combined with affirmations.


Affirmations are truth statements that you present to your mind repeatedly. When your mind receives these messages it will process them. When it has received them repeatedly it will accept them as truth. Affirmations can be specifically targeted to address such issues as depression, self - confidence, self - esteem, bulimia, smoking cessation, and so on.

Affirmations by themselves are tremendously powerful. Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment are a team that will create radical change in the minds and lives of those who utilize it. Brainwave entrainment is the phenomenon of changing the electrical state of your brain inducing a state where affirmations are accepted without reservation.

There is no longer any possible excuse for wallowing in the muck and mire of a negative and unproductive mind. The means to change your mind, to thought control is here. Take it, use it - change. Or ignore it and stay just as you are with no one to blame but yourself. The choice is yours

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