The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

What is self esteem?

What is self esteem? The question is a very important one that we should all strive to answer. Generally speaking self esteem is your opinion of your own value and worth. Common understanding states that high self esteem is a positive self assessment, and low self esteem is a negative self assessment.

Self esteem is a crucial part of the attitudes that a successful person carries with them. What is self esteem? Self esteem impacts the quality of your life in such profound degrees that it really becomes critical to develop a healthy, positive and realistic level of self esteem. Attitude is everything and it will colour all your behaviours whether you are conscious of it or not. If your self esteem is low you will project that self concept into all your relationships and inject it into all the activities you undertake.

Self esteem finds it's foundation in a variety of factors:

  • Do you see yourself as a successful person?
  • Do you feel competent at work?
  • Are your relationships rewarding?
  • How do you see yourself (looser? or winner?)
  • Do you see yourself as strong or weak?
  • Where do you think you are in the social spectrum?
  • Are you free or dependant?
  • What is Positive Self-Esteem?

    When we consider the answer to the question what is self esteem, we need to look at positive self esteem and negative self esteem.

    A positive self esteem is the result of a positive self image. Your self image is how you see yourself - do you see yourself as a positive, responsible, reliable, trustworthy, friendly kind of person? If you do you have a positive self esteem. If you don't you need to make some changes. Changes in the way you think.

    I think high self-esteem is overrated. A little low self-esteem is actually quite good. Maybe you're not the best, so you should work a little harder.

    - Jay Leno

    Positive self esteem is established when we consider all the factors listed above. For instance do you think the work you do is important and valuable? Do you think that people appreciate your competence and abilities? Do you find yourself in the 'zone' while you work. Does time slip by without you noticing? If you can answer in the affirmative for these questions then the input you get from your work day life is positive and will contribute to your self esteem.

    Positive self esteem feeds positive thinking and helps you to agree with positive comments that others make about you. This in turn can help boost your levels of confidence which boosts your self esteem and becomes a very positive snowball of success oriented thoughts and behaviours.

    Ask yourself - what is self esteem and see if you come up with a positive self image or a negative self image. Would you like to do something about it? Would you like to increase your self esteem? You can.

    What is Self Esteem Growth?

    What is self esteem? It is the gateway to an improved and positive life. Here are some helpful tips on managing your thoughts in order to protect, develop and improve your self esteem, your self worth and your self image:

  • Create a habit of thinking about the things you have achieved.
  • Create a habit of gratitude - be thankful for all things
  • Fake it till you make it - act like you would like to be until you realize that you are!
  • Create a habit of thinking about what you like about yourself
  • Develop your skills
  • Relax
  • Smile and work on your posture
  • Create a habit of setting and achieving goals
  • Give yourself rewards when you accomplish your goals
  • Avoid comparisons with others
  • What is Self Esteem 's Biggest obstacle:

    The biggest obstacle to finding a positive answer to the question what is self esteem is the way you think. Negative thinking to be precise. If you always think negatively you'll be easily influenced by things that happen to you or the things that others say to you or about you. The sad fact is that most people think negatively and negative thinking is a habit. 98% of what we thought about yesterday we will think about today. If what we thought about yesterday was negative it will be negative today as well. This cycle needs to be broken and the good news is that it can be broken.


    Answering what is self esteem can be difficult when we experience fluctuations in our level of self esteem. Changes in the level of your self esteem is perfectly normal and should be expected. What should not be expected is wild swings from positive to negative self esteem. The way to get off the self esteem roller coaster is to point your self esteem sensors to an internal source. As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, if you're on the self-esteem roller coaster it's quite likely that you are dealing with a bad case of negative thinking. If you rely on circumstances and the opinions of other people to determine your worth and value you are in for a very rough ride.

    The intelligent thing to do is to take the bull by the horns and do something about it. Reading e-books, self help manuals and playing mental games will be instructive but it won't deal with the core issue which is the way you think. If you want to change the way you think you're going to need to take action. The action you need to take is to reprogram your mind. The simplest way you can do this is to use affirmations. The best way to do it is with affirmations combined with scientifically proven brainwave entrainment. What is self esteem and brainwave entrainment?

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