The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

The Law of Success.

Napoleon Hill wrote 'The Law of success in Sixteen Lessons' in 1928. The world has changed radically since then and some of his ideas regarding chemistry and science are now obsolete but the basis for Napoleon's work remains solid. There are a few basic principles or 'laws' that are timeless.

Central to Napoleon's principles is the concept that success is something more than just the accomplishment of goals. He wanted his followers to do more that just achieve goals he wanted them to do something wonderful he wanted people to have a 'definite chief aim' - an overriding mission or purpose in life. Stephen Covey has incorporated this idea into his '7 habits' books. Central to every life must be a reason -a purpose to live. To live a worthwhile life.

Napoleon was very careful to be clear about the fact that financial success or business success does not guarantee happiness. He wanted his students to avoid the materialistic trap that so many of us have bought into. He well knew the power of advertising to create desire and the belief that unless we have a given product we are not happy or successful. He warned of the dangers of trying to 'keep up with the Jones'. In opposition to much of what is accepted as success today, Napoleon recommended a lifestyle that included the habit of focusing more on giving than on getting. Napoleon Hill knew that the principles he espoused could result in huge evil without some checks and balances.

His own namesake, Napoleon Bonaparte was a good example of someone who had amazing success in establishing power but who created catastrophic pain and suffering for untold numbers of people. Just 10 years after Napoleon published this work, Hitler in similar fashion to Bonaparte rose in an astoundingly short time to become one of the most powerful men of his time. It does not need to be stated that Hitler's contribution to history is one of pure evil.

What are these Laws?

The law of success #1. The Master Mind
The master mind is a principle created and used by such men as Alexander Graham Bell and Henry Ford. The idea is to connect with people who have specialties that you don't have but whose skills will benefit your level of success

The law of success #2.. Definite Chief Aim
A definite chief aim is your mission in life. Without your 'true north' you will wander all over the map and end up who-knows-where.

The law of success #3. Self Confidence
Self Confidence and success go hand in hand. Without confidence no one succeeds. This is an area that you can develop in a very short time with modern technology. Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment will help you develop your self confidence to levels you never thought possible.

The law of success #4. The habit of Saving
This habit is common to all of the wealthiest people. The habit of saving helps to create a prosperity consciousness that will support the law of attraction in your life.

The law of success #5. Initiative and Leadership
Procrastination is the natural enemy of success. Who ever succeeded while being a procrastinator? This is another character flaw that can be changed in very short time with modern technology. Once again affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment comes to the rescue and allows you to reprogram you subconscious mind with powerful new thought habits that turn you into a highly motivated, goal oriented success machine.

The law of success #6. Imagination
All the greatest inventors and creative thinkers used the power of imagination in their lives. Too often children are rebuked for daydreaming or using their imaginations. The fact of the matter is that everything that exists started in someone's imagination. Without imagination without the ability to see and believe in possibilities, life will be colorless and bland. Creative visualization is essential to success at any level.

The law of success #7. Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm, positive thinking, and optimism are the fuel to keep the individual going in the face of opposition and obstacles. The sad reality is that most people want you to remain a mediocre non-entity. Becoming a success, a positive force in life, exposes the inadequacy and impotence of others and they don't like that so they will do and say anything to prevent your success. This critical part of your character can be developed to the point of becoming your daily, natural habit.

The law of success #8. Self Control
The necessity of this law becomes evident when we consider the opposite trait. Do you know anyone who lacks self control? People who are constantly reactive, who just 'can't help themselves', who 'fly off the handle' who get stressed at the slightest provocation or challenge? Are they successful in the true meaning of the word? Unlikely. Self control means taking a long hard and sometimes painful look at oneself and then doing something about one's flaws.

…Both success and failure are largely the results of habit!

- Napoleon Hill

The law of success #9. Do more than paid for
Napoleon Hill wrote about this in the context of working for a company and he was correct. Giving more back than one is paid for is a sure way to succeed in corporate life. The same principle applies to the entrepreneur. Those who give, who over deliver always win out over the cheap, miserly, chiseler.

The law of success #10. Pleasing personality
A pleasing personality is a direct result of what goes on inside one's mind. The good news here is that you can reprogram your mind for success in a short time so that your personality becomes automatic rather than forced and rehearsed. Most people can spot a phony. A genuine positive personality comes from deep within and the way to get deep within and change your personality is to change your subconscious mind. Once again this is done through affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment.

The law of success #11. Accurate thought
Sometimes a setback in life is a positive thing - it can teach us hard lessons that will serve us well when we face challenges later on. Accurate thinking means considering all things through the lens of possibility and optimism. Accurate thought is the principle of dealing with tough circumstances without becoming negative or a negative thinker.

The law of success #12. Concentration
Concentration with a laser like focus is a skill of the mind that all successful people have acquired at some point. In this world there are so many distractions that are dressed up as entertainment or other pleasing disguises that it has become very difficult to block out distractions and focus on the main thing. There have been whole books written on the value of focus and concentration. Fortunately developing this trait does not need to be difficult or time consuming.

The law of success #13. Co-operation
Have you ever heard of the 'win-win' deal? This is what it means to be in cooperation. There are two types of co-operation: internal and external. Internal cooperation is that which exists between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. External cooperation is that which exists between individuals of a group to attain a goal.

The law of success #14. Failure
Failure happens only when you give up. A result that is unintended or other than what was expected can become the thing that destroys your confidence and your success or it can become the impetus for greater motivation, effort and the resulting success. Failure is the greatest teacher no one who has massive success does so without the matching massive failure. Failure can be a temporary detour or a catastrophic end to your dream. It's up to you. It all depends on how you view failure.

The law of success #15. Tolerance
On this life's journey we are going to come across people we need to work with who's views are distinctly different from our own. We have a choice: we can reject them thus rejecting the aid they can give us or be tolerant of them creating a synergy that would not otherwise exist. The only time intolerance is acceptable is when a person or group is violating absolute principles.

The law of success #16. The Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is stated thusly: 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. There are enough people out there who are unscrupulous and want to hurt, destroy and take advantage of you. But the majority of people will respond to you with the same manner that you approach them with.

The Ultimate Law

The ultimate law of success is that if you follow sound principles of success - you will succeed. It's like jumping off a diving board the law of gravity will only allow you to travel in one direction: down. Aligning your thoughts and actions with the principles of success will only allow you to travel in one direction: toward success!

Adopt the Law of Success in your Life

The bottom line is that if you want to succeed you must incorporate character traits and habits of behaviour deep into your psyche. The way to do this is simple and easy. It is accomplished the same way that you learned the character traits and habits you have now: with affirmations. Today you have at your disposal science and technology that can make using affirmations extremely effective within very short time frames.

The law of success can be programmed into your mind and you can enjoy the life of the truly successful.

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