The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

State of Mind

Your state of mind will determine your outcomes. What your life will look like is welded to the way you think. Change your mind by changing your thoughts. Change your thoughts by reprogramming your mind with affirmations.

You are the governor of your own personal universe - to govern well you need to understand a few things...

The first step in the study of success is to build a working foundation that is universal in it's application. Before you can become skilled as a programmer of your mind ...

You must discover and understand it's principles -


Principles are facts that remain true regardless of when, where, how, why or who applies them..

For instance --if you throw a one month old baby off a 34 story building it will fall to it's death. The baby's innocence and vulnerability will not affect the law of gravity. Gravity is a principle. It does not respect any other law but it's own - what goes up, must come down.

Maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win - is essential to success.

- Napoleon Hill

The principles that govern your mind operate the same way that the principles that govern chemistry, physics, and math operate. You can work with them or you can fight them.

Do you want to govern your personal state well? Learn the principles it operates on. Master them ... change your state of mind...

... and you will have mastered your self, your destiny and your success.

Law of Mind

So do you know what the Law of Your Mind is? Do you know the basic, universal operating principle? Would you like to know what it is that governs your state of mind?

The answer is simple. It is already inside your head but perhaps the light has not been shined on it. You are going to discover that principle here and now.

It is a principle that is woven like a golden thread through all the world's major religions...

Your mind works according to the
Law of Belief.


What you believe is reflected by your actions produced by the thoughts that run through your mind. Nothing more and nothing less.

Everything in your life - your experiences, conditions, and behaviours, are all produced by your mind which operates on thoughts... thoughts and nothing more.

The way you are, the way your life looks is directly related to what you think. Thought is the beginning of all action. You don't do anything without a thought determining what it is you're going to do..

You might not be aware of that thought ... the subconscious does a lot for us without us having to pay attention ... but subconscious thought is thought none-the-less.

Fill your mind with thoughts of agreement, health, peace, goodwill, wealth, generosity and wonderful things will start to happen in your life.

Fill your mind with greed, hatred, anger, revenge, spite, and un forgiveness, and your life will reflect exactly what you have been thinking about.

The best, fastest way to change your state of mind is through affirmations.

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