The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Build Self Confidence

Build self confidence now so that it will be there when you need it. Self confidence is more than a feeling, it's a force that explodes from inside. Self confidence is a habit that stays with you. It is there whether you are conscious of it or not. It's that inner force that let's you know that no matter what - you can handle it. Life may throw you curve balls, trials, hard-ships, and vicissitudes, but your powerful confidence rises to meet each and every challenge with grace and dignity.

Living with doubt and insecurity is hell. Build self confidence today and in the future so that you experience the joy of a fulfilling life. Stride through your days knowing that you have the inner power to say 'come what may' and successfully deal with whatever does come.

So how do you build self confidence?

How To Build Self Confidence

Self confidence is established when you experience success. Doing something successfully gives you the knowledge that you can do it again if it is required. Achieving one success, encourages you to try something a little harder and a little more challenging. When you realize that you can achieve that more difficult task your confidence grows. Self confidence is belief. Belief based on experience. Belief that is based on knowledge becomes knowledge.

Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. ..any action is better than no action at all.

- Norman Vincent Peale

Your strategy to build self confidence should be to position yourself so as to experience success that will lead to new successes. The following are some ways you can position yourself to experience success:

  • Dress for success
  • Walk with confidence
  • Change your posture
  • Listen to motivational e-books
  • Practice giving compliments
  • Take your space
  • Speak clearly, slowly, and loudly
  • Exercise
  • Contribute
  • You want to build self confidence, to feel confident, to be confident but what if you are starting from a place of zero confidence? The process to build self confidence is not an instant change. Give yourself permission to take some time and practice to develop self confidence.

    It is going to take some guts to keep believing that you are a good person with some awesome abilities and that you are worthy of respect.

    Build Self Confidence with Perseverance

    Once you commit to building self confidence, determine to stay the course - never ever, ever, ever give up. Keep at it. Persevering implies that you are going to face some difficulties along the way. You need to know them and prepare for them so that when they come you can face them with - what else - confidence.

    Here's a few little demons that are bound to attack you when you are feeling weak:

  • Insecurities
  • Feelings of inferiority
  • Imperfection
  • Insults
  • Insecurities come in the form of that little voice deep inside your mind. It nags you and berates you and belittles you. It tells you that you should be ashamed, that you are worthless, and that you are inferior. The insecurity demon, like all demons, is a liar.

    What do you feel insecure about? Your weight, blemishes? Scars? Past performances? Failures? Whatever it is write it down. You need to write it down because you will forget if you don't.

    Inferiority is simply walking around consciously thinking that everybody is superior to you in every aspect of life. This also is a lie. There are some things, some abilities you have that others can not do as well as you. Some things you can control; like the way you dress, your posture and so on. Other things you can do little or nothing about like your skin or scars and so on.

    Control the things you can and accept the things you can not. The things you can not control do not make you less worthy as a person. A scar is no reflection of your character, acne is no gauge of your personality.

    Perfectionism is a nasty little demon. It wants you to think that if you can't do something perfectly it has no value. This also is a lie. Don't believe this for a second. There is no such thing as perfection.

    Insults come at you from outside yourself. Whoever said:

    'sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'

    was a colossal jerk. Names do hurt and they can crush your confidence. It is going to take some serious inner strength to realize that these insults are nothing more than lies flung in your general direction by weak and insecure people. Yes, teachers, parents, spouses, bosses and other significant people can hurt you but that is a reflection of their weakness - not yours.

    Build Self Confidence with Skill

    Here are some tools you can use to help build self confidence:

  • Talk with friends and loved ones - people who you can trust to help build self confidence
  • Catalog your successes
  • Practice the attitude of gratitude
  • Develop a positive mind set
  • Accept compliments gracefully
  • Fake it till you make it.
  • All of these tools will help you develop your self confidence. However the most powerful tool of all is the one that you can't see, you can't touch, you can't manipulate, but you can control --

    Your Mind


    Build Self Confidence from the Inside Out

    The very center of your being, the heart of your personality is your mind. The deepest most powerful part of your mind is your subconscious. These two mysterious parts of you work together to maintain your level of confidence. As you think - so you are.

    Do you think you are insecure? - You are.
    Do you think you are confident? - You are.
    Do you think you are worthy? - You are.

    As you think - so you are!

    The best way to build self confidence is by changing what you think. You can do this quickly, easily and effectively by using modern scientific solutions that are extremely powerful. The most powerful tool on the market today is Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment. This tool will change you and make you into the person you want to be by radically changing the way you think.

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