The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Building Self Esteem

The need of building self esteem has been established for decades. There is little doubt that people with healthy positive self esteem do very well in life compared to those who do not have a positive self esteem. The personal power and success that is enjoyed by those who have a positive self esteem is easily observable. It does not take a doctorate degree to realize the truth of the worth and value of self esteem.

The odd thing about this understanding is that while there is a large body of information available that will teach that we need self esteem, we should have it, that it's desirable to obtain etc. etc. etc. there isn't very much out there that tells us precisely how we can get it.

Reading the opinion of an expert or a guru or motivational speaker that you should have self esteem, that you should get it, that you need it is somewhat like having an expert or a guru tell you that you need medical help after you've broken your arm. This page isn't going to tell you that you need it. This page is going to tell you how you can build self esteem. You can build your self esteem quickly and easily even if you've struggled with poor self esteem for years - even decades. And you can build the self esteem of your spouse, your children or anyone else you care deeply about.

The Bottom line

Building self esteem is a simple process. You need to understand who you are, believe in your innate abilities and potential, become your own boss by taking responsibility for your self esteem and making choices designed intentionally to build up.

I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill.

- Edward Appleton

The process of building self esteem needs to become a habit in order for it to be effective. The habit needs to include the grace of understanding that we are not perfect but that we have value and worth that we have not been aware of. We need to take the time to reflect on, meditate on, and think about our sense of self worth and how we value ourselves.

This sense of self worth tends to rise and fall depending on how favorable our circumstances are at any given moment in time. In order to survive the ups and downs of life with our self esteem intact we need to have some powerful tools in our tool-box.

How We Got Here

If you simply think that you're worthless and that's all there is to it you need to understand: you've been programmed to believe that. Every human on the planet was created with intrinsic (that means 'built in') worth and value. You may not be aware of it but you have worth and value. You may not believe it, but it's true. In fact, if you have poor self esteem, you probably read that statement and thought something like: 'Bull!', or 'Maybe someone else does, but I sure don't'

Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't true. You can't see air. You cant see gravity. But those things exist with out a doubt. So does your value. The reason you think otherwise is because of one reason only: you were programmed. That's right - programmed. You were programmed when you were a child, when you were young, impressionable, and vulnerable. Significant people around you told you who you were, what your value was, and you believed them. You were programmed.

The good news is those people were wrong. Better than that is the news that you can do something about it.

What can You do?

Building self esteem is a matter of reprogramming your mind. That sounds difficult doesn't it? It isn't. The people who programmed you to begin with didn't have a degree in psychology did they? No, they were your parents, friends, peers, teachers and so on. They were not even aware that they were programming you. All they did was talk to you. They said mean things, demeaning things, negative things, and they said them repeatedly. Over and over and over. Those negative esteem crushing statements fell like hammer blows on your fragile and developing personality.

Do you want to change? Do you desire it? Really? Then build your self esteem. Do it with intention. Do it with determination. Do it tenaciously. Do it enthusiastically believing that you can do it.

The Tool of Choice

Building self esteem is the same process that built your esteem to begin with. The people who programmed you simply spoke to you. Maybe they yelled at you or used derisive tones. The result was a torn down self esteem. To build it up you need healthy, positive, optimistic spoken to you repeatedly with positive happy emotions to go along with them.

A counselor or a very supportive person may help you with this but your best bet is to undertake your reprogramming project by yourself. Take responsibility for building your own self esteem. Are you ready? Do you find it a bit scary? Change is never easy but the results are more than worth it. Your life will be so much more rewarding and fulfilling.

The tool of choice for building self esteem is affirmations. Using affirmations is an extremely effective way of building self esteem. You can use them on yourself or you can vocalize them and direct them toward your spouse, your children or those you care about. There is a catch though. It takes about nine positive statements to offset the effect of one negative statement. It's a peculiarity of the way the human mind works but we tend to believe the negative much sooner than we accept the positive. This means the best way to move forward is to remove all negative statements from your repertoire. Set a mental guard to monitor everything that comes out of your mouth or crosses your mind. Eliminate all negative chatter.

Affirmations can do this. Affirmations can turn you mental processes around. Building your self esteem with affirmations is an easy cost effective and powerful method. One of the fastest ways to reprogram your mind building self esteem is by using affirmations with brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment technology is simply astounding in it's effectiveness. You can learn how to create your own affirmations and when you've learned how to create them you can discover how to apply them here.

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