The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Positive Self Affirmations

Positive self affirmations will make changes in your life that are mind-blowing. They are what separates the powerful, positive, energetic, joyful, successful people from the hordes of mediocre, average, or even miserable, unhappy every day people.

Positive self affirmations are statements of truth that you repeat to yourself. These statements can be audible, or in written format but they become thoughts that when repeated often enough become thought habits. These thought habits determine who you are and what kind of success and effectiveness you experience in life. A positive affirmation expresses a belief that you are a success, that you will succeed, that you will experience good things, good health, good relationships, and that good things will always be attracted to you.


The little engine that could...

Sometimes the most profound lessons can be found in kids stories. One of these stories is 'The Little Engine That Could'.

The story line is simple... there is a long and important train that must be pulled over a high mountain...

It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.

- Cassius Clay

Various large, capable and powerful engines are tasked to pull the train but they all come up with feeble excuses of different kinds - as a result there is no engine that will pull the train. As a last resort, the smallest, weakest engine that only pulled train cars on and off spurs and switches is asked to do the job -- up and over the mountain...

His positive response is:
"I think I can."

The little engine gets in front of the heavy train and starts his journey. At first things go well and the little engine keeps puffing away

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, ..".

After a while the little engine gets to the high mountain that larger and stronger engines were afraid of -- that had discouraged them from even trying.

As the grade gets steeper the little engine begins to strain and struggle slowing down, but all the while it keeps puffing away...

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, .."



The little engine is persistent, determined, and has a huge desire to make the top of the mountain, to get his success ... with great courage, determination and effort the little engine makes it to the top.

All the way down the mountain and up to the end of the journey the little engine's positive self affirmations change...

"I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could."


Positive self affirmations will take you to the top of your mountain. If your mantra or excuse is "I can't" be sure that nothing will change -- nothing will be done. Your life won't change, you won't accomplish anything of note, you will be sidelined to the bleachers of mediocrity.

To affirm any positive statement means that with persistence and an unwillingness to give up it will get done, it will happen, you can do it!

Positive self affirmations will make a difference in your life -- a radical difference if you will take a chance and let them. You have nothing to lose and a lot of success to gain. The major lesson to take from this story is a lesson that is easy for kids to comprehend but one that few adults apply in their daily lives: we need to affirm ourselves. The majority of people out there are not going to affirm you. They don't want you to succeed - it makes their own mediocrity that much more obvious.

Most people enjoy engaging in negative thinking, criticism, and pessimism. It takes courage to step out of the crowd and to swim upstream but the rewards are so worth it.

Do it today. Make up your mind to start affirming the things you want most in your life. See for yourself the difference it will make.


Go on -- I dare you.

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