The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder self help is one of the methods that people use to successfully overcome anxiety disorders. People find help through books, groups, and so on. Some people have plumbed the depths of their own creativity to come up with tailor made programs to find relief from the worries that beset them and make life such a burden when it could be and should be a delight.

Anxiety, depression and anger tend to hang out together. When you find one the other is usually not far behind. For instance anxiety can make you angry or conversely anger, which is a very powerful emotion, can create anxiety. Sometimes dealing with one issue eliminates the other. For instance dealing with anger may make your depression disappear. Or getting rid of anxiety can make your anger abate.

People who struggle with anxiety are those who worry about both little and big problems for most of the day. They have a negative outlook on life. This frame of mind can lead to experiencing physical symptoms that can be quite uncomfortable. Anxiety is not your friend, it is something that needs to be banished from your life. A successful life is one that is free from the chains and pains of anxiety disorders.

Anxiety Disorder Self Help

You need to pursue anxiety disorder self help when worries become repetitive and interfere with being a productive and useful member of society. When worries plague you against your will and nothing you do seems to put them aside leaving you feeling anxious and upset, you need to investigate anxiety disorder self help.

To begin with you'll need to understand the difference between a legitimate worry - a problem that needs to be taken care of and something that is merely mental chatter. A legitimate problem that could lead to physical, emotional, social catastrophe needs your attention and action. Pay attention to them and deal with them. When you do, your worries and anxieties will go away. Anxieties and worries that are merely mental chatter feel the same as legitimate concerns and create the same physical symptoms but in no way represent the same threat or danger that a legitimate problem does. Dealing with mental chatter will require a new skill set. To summarize then, a legitimate worry is one that has a serious and important consequence. Mental chatter or a worry, an anxiety that has no serious consequence is merely mental chatter that needs to be ignored

One in six people suffer depression or a chronic anxiety disorder. These are not the worried well but those in severe mental pain with conditions crippling enough to prevent them living normal lives.

- Polly Toynbee

When you find your self in a state of anxiety and worry - stop, take a breath and think. You can quickly analyze what your mind is doing and apply your anxiety disorder self help routine by running through a simple process.

  • 1. Describe the 'problem' in concise terms
  • 2. Chose a course of action
  • 3. Decide to take action or defer
  • 4. Put your decision into play
  • The first step should be done with as much detail as you can manage. Catalog absolutely everything that worries you. For example:

  • Problem: I don't feel ready for my presentation on Friday
  • Details:
  • I might be late
  • My clothes are out of date
  • I can't speak publicly
  • My notes are inadequate
  • What if I freeze?
  • Now write down all possible solutions to these detailed items. You may need to get some assistance with this. You can ask for help from knowledgeable and experienced people or other experts. Or you can lean on your own experience and skill. In our example you can write down solutions like:

  • Remove any obstacles that could make you late
  • go on a shopping trip for clothes
  • review public speaking course notes
  • get help from an associate with your presentation notes
  • practice in front of an imaginary audience
  • Excellent! Now you have some things you can do. One of the features of anxiety is that it leaves you sitting on the fence. With a list of solutions you have options, you have a choice. You can either take action or decide to do nothing. In our example you could:

  • Go ahead with the presentation or cancel
  • Set aside some money and get new clothes or find your most up to date outfit and go with that
  • Review and revise your notes or create new ones
  • Get help or decide that your presentation is satisfactory
  • Practice (always a good idea) or just go for it.
  • Of course you don't have to regard your list as written in stone it is meant to serve as a guideline to help you to put your worries to rest. You may find that addressing one of the solution makes the rest of them go away. For instance when you revise your notes and discover that you now have a superior presentation your anxiety about your speaking ability or your clothes becomes a non-issue. It is up to you to decide what actions to take or not take.


    Action is your best anxiety disorder self help antidote. Action gets you moving, it gets you out of the mud, it gives you a feeling of being in control and having some power over your circumstances. Once you are moving towards any given goal or solution you've decided on you can adjust your aim, change your goal or drop it in favor of a better option. The key is to take action - the habit of being proactive.

    The simple plan outlined above will help with legitimate worries, but what about problems that are not important that are just mental chatter?

    The Other Side...

    Anxiety disorder self help has to deal with both legitimate and illegitimate worries. Once you've taken care of legitimate worries, you may be left with unreasonable worries. Anxiety that bubbles up from within and regardless of what you do will not go away needs to be exorcised. Worries and anxieties can take on a life of their own. Once you've decided on a course of action and useless thoughts still hound you it's time to get rid of them.

    To begin with take a stand give power to your anxienty disorder self help program. Where ever you are take a deep breath and say to yourself or out loud "These thoughts are junk. They are useless - they will not control me!" This decision statement will need to be repeated every time you find yourself obsessing about something. It also needs to be stated emphatically and with strong feeling. If you are lackadaisical about this your subconscious mind won't help you.

    For example if every time you go to the grocery store you think that you are going to have an accident or be robbed or worse, you need to settle the issue before you can move against an anxiety attack. Many people make this mistake - they look at the object of their worry and evaluate it and decide that there is nothing to worry about and will say something like "I think I am safe, I think this is just anxiety". However, underneath they are thinking "But it could happen". A much better affirmation would be something like: "I am going to treat these thoughts and feelings as anxiety. I have no reason to fear and I'm willing to take the exceedingly slight chance that this is anything other than an unreasonable thought"

    A Better Way

    The best way to deal with mental chatter, the best anxiety disorder self help solution available is to reprogram your mind. It is your subconscious that is forcing all those useless thoughts to the surface, and your subconscious can be reprogrammed. The way to reprogram your mind is by learning to create and use affirmations. The information you need to create affirmations is found here. The information you need to apply affirmations correctly is here.

    Anxiety disorder self help techniques are like most other self help techniques. They need to be learned and practiced to be effective. It is easy to be encouraged by a book or a web page and think that you're going to beat your dragons once and for all, only to find that you are no further ahead that you were before you read all this good information. The reason for this is that your subconscious mind has not changed one iota. The most effective way to change your subconscious and consequently get rid of your anxiety disorder is by using affirmations with entrainment. This scientifically proven and high tech combination will alter the way you think in record time leaving you free of unreasonable anxiety and worry forever. Now your anxiety disorder self help program needs to find affirmations with entrainment.

    Fortunately here at AFRS you can find just what you need to power your anxiety disorder self help program. These products are created with the latest cutting edge technology and high quality recording studio methods to bring you a cost effective and powerful self help solution. Check out our catalog and set yourself free today!

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