The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Inducing Consciousness..

The phrase - inducing consciousness - is one of those terms that might leave you scratching your head wondering 'what on earth does it mean'? Considering that anyone who is awake is generally thought of as conscious, it leaves the thinking person wondering. Indeed it is meant to make you wonder. It is meant to make you think.

Does being awake and alert qualify as being truly conscious?

That might seem like a stupid question at first glance but give it some thought. Really, most of our days are spent running on 'automatic'. That in itself is not a bad thing, it's the way we are designed - it frees our mind to think about more important weighty matters in life. It is the way our subconscious mind organizes and manages things. It is most efficient.

Ask yourself another thought provoking question: How do I compare in consciousness to the world of nature. Is your consciousness greater than that of a primate? How about a reptile? When the primary emotions are in control, when we are in fight or flight mode, or when we are simply hungry, or cold, or desiring sex, our animal instincts seem stronger than our conscious self. But we are more conscious than the animal kingdom. We are, as a species, more conscious than any other living organism. Our consciousness is what separates us. So we may conclude that being more conscious is a good thing.

Given that it is a good thing is it possible to become more conscious? How can we induce consciousness? A good place to start is by understanding how the mind works.

Mechanical Mind

Is what you experience inside your skull on a daily basis truly consciousness? Most of what we do is 'auto-pilot'. That means our thinking is more of a mechanical process like what a computer does. When our senses make us aware of something in our environment, we become aware of it, at that moment we are conscious.

Being focused and 'aware' is a very useful thing but there is part of our thinking process that happens when we are not 'aware'. Remember the times when an idea or a solution has just 'popped into your head' when you were not thinking about the subject that popped into your head. We can conclude then that thinking does not constitute consciousness.

Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.

- Aristotle

Can you imaging what your life would be like if your right arm never stopped moving? A right arm is an extremely useful appendage to have but there is a time and a place for them to be active and moving and there is a time and a place for them to be still. This principle is true of the logical mind too. A logical mind is a very good thing, a powerful ally in our daily struggles. But what happens when the mind is producing behaviours that are counter-productive? If we are not in control of the programming our minds operate on we are merely it's servants.

The next thing we need to ask ourselves then is: how can we program our minds to live in a more conscious way?


Remember what you were like as a child? If not simply observe children for a while. Children are by nature self-centered, and selfish. We were all that way. As we grew and learned and experience more of life our awareness grew too. In time with healthy development we learned to have genuine concern for others. Our self concept grew from 'I am me' to 'I am part of this family' and then onward to 'I am part of the greater community'.

Inducing consciousness then happens as we grow and expose ourselves to new concepts, experiences and people. Inducing consciousness will happen when our minds change, when we can empathize with others to a greater degree.

An effective way to throw off the chains of thought habits is through meditation. The discipline of meditation will benefit you by slowing down your busy over active mind and bring you to a state of calm awareness that allows for a fuller experience of reality.


AFRS can help induce consciousness with technology. It can take years perhaps even decades of meditative practice to discipline your mind sufficiently to the point where you can be calm enough to experience this greater awareness. Science and technology have provided a way to attain a meditative state in an extremely short period of time and without years of meditation.

This technology uses the science of brainwave entrainment to force your brain into a state much like that of a Zen Master. You can do this without the philosophical and religious shackles that usually surround the subject of meditation. This is not religion or spirituality this is science.

Where do you find it?

At AFRS we have a list of products available that go beyond inducing consciousness and target specific areas of life that people commonly want to deal with. This list is growing and changing quite rapidly. You can go deeper than a Zen monk in meditation or you can focus on a specific theme that you want to address in your life.

At the beginning of this page we observed that a good place to start inducing consciousness is by understanding how the mind works there is substantial information on this site that will answer that need. Take a look around -- learn, understand and grow. And happy trails to you!

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