The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Powers of the Mind

Powers of the mind lay like a huge reservoir in pristine untapped condition. Science is only now touching the surface of what the mind is capable of. The true powers of the mind lays in that mysterious region called the subconscious. It is the subconscious that does most of our mental processing and we are usually completely oblivious to it. The key to unleashing the powers of your mind is to control and use your subconscious to your advantage.

There is a common misconception that we only 'use' 10% of our minds. nothing could be further from the truth. Our minds are extremely complex organs and are busy 24 hours a day. Sensitive scientific equipment can be used to verify this fact. Even when we sleep our minds are far from resting. They are busy processing and doing whatever it is they do while we sleep. To take advantage of the powers of the mind we have to enter this highly complex place.

It is in your subconscious that your deepest feelings and beliefs are hidden. There are memories and experiences that you are not consciously aware of that are determining your behaviour. Are you anxious? The reason is buried in your subconscious. Are you depressed? That's in your subconscious too. All of the things that make you 'you' are hidden away in your subconscious mind. It is these deeply hidden treasures that allow you to enjoy the powers of the mind or not.

The Subconscious is where the Power is

It is in your subconscious that the powers of the mind lay. If you can learn to manage, control, and command your subconscious effectively, you will be well on your way to achieving the things you want to achieve. It is your subconscious mind that takes you toward the results you experience. It isn't will power, it isn't your ability (your ability is far greater than you know) and skills, it isn't luck and good fortune, it is your subconscious.

Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.

- Marcel Proust

Your values, your beliefs, your emotional responses have all been programmed into your subconscious mind. They may have been living there unobserved for years or decades but they are there none-the-less. It is these same values, beliefs and emotional responses that keep you from living the life of success that you want. It is these deeply rooted thoughts that keep you trapped in the life you are now living.

Change it

The intelligent question to ask then, is 'how can I manage, control and unleash the powers of the mind?' It isn't particularly hard and the answer is so simple that many people have found it and disregarded it because it's too simple. To start out it might be useful to have a good idea of how the subconscious mind works. The subconscious mind is the repository of all the things we have experienced, seen, heard, felt, tasted and so on. If we had to consciously keep track of it all we'd go mad, but out subconscious is designed to do exactly that without disturbing us!

The way to change your mind is to use the same methods to retrain it that were used to train it to begin with. Words, sights, sounds, feelings in fact all our senses are engaged to make sense of the world around us and our conscious mind makes conclusions and assumptions which then become stored away in the subconscious mind for later use.

Most of what we think today we thought yesterday - we are creatures of habit. And what we feed the subconscious is what we become. So then, to change what we think about, to create new thought habits is the main way to change our subconscious minds. The main way to experience the powers of the mind.

The Quickest Way

The quickest way to reach the subconscious mind is with repetition. The subconscious doesn't discriminate it simply accepts every conclusion we come to consciously as being true. It also has a way of averaging things out. If you tell yourself that you're feeling depressed ten times and then tell yourself you're feeling happy one time, the subconscious will assume that the majority wins. The dominant thought is depressive therefore it will do what it can to provide you with depressive feelings and thoughts. To change the dominant thought an opposing thought must be presented repetitively.

A Technological Solution.

Modern science has discovered that the brain operates on a number of different frequencies. These frequencies reflect our mental state. When we sleep we are in a Delta state, when we're drifting off to sleep or just waking or in a deep meditative state, we're in a Theta state. Being alert and engaged is a Beta state. These states can be changed using brainwave entrainment. The powers of the mind can be unleashed by forcing your mind into the most receptive state possible and then repeating affirmations - new beliefs - repeatedly.

This has the effect of reprogramming the dominant thought you think on a daily basis. Your subconscious then goes to work to put this new reality into effect. What effect do you want? Do you want more confidence? More self esteem? Would you like to quit smoking? How about starting and never stopping an exercise program? These things can be done.

The combination of brainwave entrainment and affirmations is unbeatable. Do you want to experience the powers of your mind, to realize what you are truly capable of? Would you like to throw off the chains of fear, anxiety, depression, insecurity? How would you like to experience life without the handicaps that have been programmed into your mind? It can be done! It can be done quickly! Try affirmations with brainwave entrainment right now!

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