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Depression Statistics.

Depression statistics are climbing every year.

In America:

  • 18 million people will have a depressive episode. Out of those 18 million people only around 20% will get suitable treatment.
  • Everyone will be affected by depression (theirs or someone else's) at some time in their life.
  • Pre-school children are the fastest growing segment of the population that is turning to anti-depressants. This is growing at 23% p/yr.
  • Depression accounts for more absenteeism than ay other physical disorder and costs the economy more than 50 Billion dollars p/yr not including medical and pharmacy bills.
  • In the UK:

  • the most common form of mental disorder is mixed anxiety and depression.
  • Women are more likely to be treated for mental health issues than men.
  • Approximately 10% of children have a mental health problem at any give time.
  • 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year
  • Depression strikes 1 in 5 of the elderly population who live in the community and 2 in 5 of those who live in care homes.
  • Men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than women
  • 9 out of 10 inmates has a mental disorder
  • Depression statistics in the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia are very similar.

    In developing countries:

  • 15% of the population suffers severe depression
  • 30% of women are depressed
  • 54% Believe that depression is a personal weakness
  • 80% of depressed people are not under treatment
  • 15% of depressed people will succeed at suicide
  • Depression Statistics for Standard Therapy

    Anti-depressants do not work for 55 - 85% of the population

    Standard anti-depressant drugs - SSRI's - have been shown to have serious risks including:

  • suicide
  • violence
  • psychosis
  • atypical bleeding
  • psychosis
  • There is no evidence that SSRI's have any effect on preschoolers or any juvenile for that matter.

    CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) has an 80% relapse rate over long periods of time.

    Most Doctors prescribe a combination of therapy and drugs.

    Depression Statistics for Women

    Depression statistics for women are alarming.

  • 8 million women between 18 - 65 are depressed
  • 20% of american women will experience depression in the course of their lifetime
  • 15% of depressed american women will attempt suicide.
  • 10% of birthing mom's will experience postpartum depression

    I can prove anything by statistics except the truth.

    - George Canning
  • Married women have higher rates of depression than single women
  • Depression usually shows up during child bearing years.
  • The highest concentration of depression by age is: 25 - 44
  • Depression Statistics for Men

    Depression Statistics for men are just as alarming as they are for women. Although fewer men will get depressed, more men will die because of depression.

  • Men suffer depression only half as much as women
  • Men will commit suicide three times as often as women
  • Suicide attempts are most common among separated, divorced, and widowed men.
  • Unemployment is a significant trigger of depression in men
  • Retirement is a significant trigger of depression in men
  • Depressed me are twice as likely to develop heart conditions in the following 5 years.
  • Depression Statistics for Children

    Depression statistics for children are surprising as childhood is supposed to be a happy, care-free time of life. With the increase in divorce and marital difficulties children are showing the effects:

  • Depression is starting at earlier ages in children than in past decades
  • In childhood gender makes no difference to the rates of depression
  • Adolescent girls are twice as likely to get depressed than boys.
  • Depressed children usually have a family history of depression
  • Depression Statistics for the Elderly

    Depression statistics among the elderly don't garner much attention but this segment of the population suffers as much as any other.

  • Depression affects about 7 million elderly people p/yr
  • As in the middle years elderly women are more likely to get depressed than elderly men
  • Elderly people are the most likely to try suicide when depressed.
  • 25% of all suicides are attempted by the elderly
  • !5% of all elderly people suffer depression
  • Caucasian men over the age of 80 are six times more likely to attempt suicide that any other demographic
  • Depression in nursing homes / care homes can reach as high as 25%
  • Only 10% seek help
  • Depressed elderly people have a 50% higher healthcare costs
  • Depression Statistics for Teens

  • One in five has some sort of depression
  • One in ten has a serious form of depression
  • Only 30% will receive any sort of therapy / treatment
  • The remaining 70% simply struggle and try to cope
  • Untreated depression in adolescence leads to a higher incidence of depression in the adult years
  • Untreated depression in adolescence can lead to crime, and or suicide.
  • Suicide is the third most common cause of death in ages 15 - 24
  • Suicide is the sixth most common cause of death in ages 5 - 14
  • Most parents do not recognize the symptoms of depression in teens. This includes parents who have good communication with their kids.
  • Depression statistics can be depressing in and of themselves. The good news is that there are methods, ways, and means of dealing with depression. Depression can be treated. If you or someone near you has depression take action today to treat it.

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