The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Effective Affirmation

An effective affirmation is the most useful self help technique you can employ. People have been using affirmations for centuries. Affirmations have made the difference between mediocrity and radical, wild success in the lives of thousands. Effective affirmations are the closest thing to a mental miracle that exists. However, there are some who have decided to use affirmations and find that it doesn't work for them. This is no small tragedy.

There are solid perfectly logical reasons why so many experience success with affirmations and some don't. At AFRS we have done a lot of research to discover why. As a service to our readers we provide the information you need for FREE! What separates failure from success is simply an effective affirmation as opposed to an ineffective affirmation. In order to really understand the way to create an effective affirmation we need to take a quick look at what an affirmation is and it's purpose...

What is an Effective Affirmation?

At the most basic level an affirmation is a statement that is made either in writing or orally / audibly that is assumed to be true. For instance when you reach across the table and knock over a glass of juice, you may say something like "Oh, I'm such a klutz". That is an affirmation, it is a negative affirmation, but an affirmation none the less. In the same way when you knock over the glass someone else may say " Oh, you're such a klutz!". This is also an affirmation, a negative affirmation but an affirmation none the less.

Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.

- Jim Rohn

For our purposes an affirmation is a statement that is not true but that we want to be true. It is a statement that we are going to use to program or reprogram our subconscious mind with.

The subconscious mind is an odd entity. It is odd for the simple reason that it will accept anything we tell it as true. It is powerful because once it has accepted a statement as true it will put it's formidable powers to work to make sure that our reality lines up with that 'truth'. So for us an affirmation acts as a command that we send to the subconscious with the belief that the subconscious will act on it and make it true in reality.

Convincing the Subconscious

You can not lie to your subconscious. Your subconscious knows when you're trying to pull a fast one on it. Here then lies the first requirement for an effective affirmation...

it has to be believable

Most home-made affirmations fail at this most crucial point. For instance if you're driving a `76 Chevette but you want an `08 Corvette you might start affirming " I drive a brand new `vette". Do you think your conscious mind will pass that as a 'believable' statement to the subconscious? Ok, another example, you're 100lbs overweight and you start affirming "I am lean and fit". Do you think your subconscious mind is going to buy into it? Not very likely.

Here's the solution - rephrase the affirmation: "I do what is necessary to own an new `vette" or "I am burning fat and getting fitter every day now"

Repetition is key to convincing your subconscious. However, an effective affirmation will accelerate your self help program in drastic ways. To drive your affirmations into your subconscious even faster, associate them with powerful positive emotions.

it has to be felt

In our example of getting fit, if the idea of losing 100lbs evokes a feeling of pain, fear, or embarrassment, your mind will resist very strongly. However, if you associate your affirmation with pleasure, confidence, and pride, your mind will accept it rather quickly.

Create an Effective affirmation

Creating an effective affirmation takes a little care and know-how but is not too challenging. Keep in mind some simple guidelines and you'll be reprogramming your mind in no time...

Your affirmations need to be positive, personal, and in the present.

The subconscious mind ignores negation. This means that if you create an affirmation like "I am not broke" your subconscious mind drops the 'not' and focuses on and accepts "I am broke". Not quite what you want, is it? The reason for this is that negation takes more brain cycles than a positive statement. Your mind has to think about what 'not' means. This means that your affirmation will back fire and you'll end up programming yourself with negative affirmations.

There are three voices possible with affirmations 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person voices. All three are effective. The most effective is the 1st person - personal. So " I am burning fat and getting fitter every day now" is more effective than "You are burning fat and getting fitter everyday now", and those two are more effective than "s/he is burning fat and getting fitter every day now". At AFRS we create our affirmation recordings with both 1st and 2nd person voice so as to maximize impact.

The time frame you state needs to be correct. "I am lean and fit now" is a lie that your subconscious will reject, "I am burning fat and getting fitter every day now" is quite believable. If you say "I'll burn fat and get fit someday" your mind will make sure that today is NOT the day. Do you see the the implications of time on your affirmations? Make them 'now' but make them believable.

Lastly it helps if your effective affirmations are relative. For instance, "I am lean and fit" may not be as effective as "I am becoming leaner and fitter every day now". The reason that the former example may not impact your subconscious is that it might just assume that you are already where you want to be - lean and fit. The relative statement means that your subconscious mind has to act and act now!

The Secret to Effective Affirmations Exposed

The techniques outlined above represent the secret to creating an effective affirmation. I guarantee that when you any or all of these techniques into practice your life will change. You will change quickly and radically. You will experience the joy of being the person you want to be!

For super fast personal change the best method is to use affirmations with entrainment. This new technology forces your mind into a state where carefully crafted affirmations will be readily accepted by your subconscious and turned into reality in record time. Take a look at our catalog here.

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