The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Depression Cure

A depression cure is a wonderful thing to have. The trouble is finding one that is effective and doesn't break the bank! There are many ways of treating depression but a cure implies that rather than just treating a symptom you are dealing with the cause of the malady and getting rid of it forever.

The most commonly sought 'cures' for depression fall along four major lines:

  • Medication
  • Natural Cures
  • Self Help
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Medication doesn't actually cure depression. It alleviates the symptoms. This is a good thing but if you want a cure, you'll need to look elsewhere. The reason for this is that depression is a disease of the mind. It isn't a virus, it isn't a bacteria, it isn't an foreign invader in your body. It is a thought pattern, a mental process. To cure depression you need to address what's going on in the mind.

    Natural cures are similar to medication. They address the symptoms but do nothing about the cause. They can make you feel better but unless the root of the weed is pulled up, the flower of depression will bloom again when conditions are right.

    Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a better option for a depression cure as it recognizes that depression is a mental disorder not an organic dysfunction. Depression can cause chemical imbalances and a chemical imbalance can trigger a depressive episode but at the core depression is a mental disease. CBT attempts to change the thought habits of depressed people which in turn leads to organic and chemical changes within that help to make a person feel better.

    Self Help works along the same lines that CBT does except that it tries to accomplish the same ends with out the intermediary of a 'professional'.

    Holistic Depression Cure

    Medication is not a permanent solution. Natural cures are not a permanent solution. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may or may not have a long lasting effect. Self help solutions have a questionable track record. So what is the best approach? A holistic depression cure would likely be the best avenue to take. If your depression is particularly severe medication should be considered. Once moods have been stabilized some research into natural remedies is in order. A visit to a therapist could happen concurrently along with some research into what self help solutions are available.

    In my early professionals years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?

    - Carl Rogers

    The desired state is one of happiness. Chasing happiness is vanity - it is chasing after the wind. Not that happiness can't be experienced but the idea that happiness is something that happens to us or that lays outside ourselves is a lie. Happiness is a choice. A depression cure is possible if you follow the right path and have the faith that a cure is possible.

    Depression Cure Facts

    Depression is a disorder that affects a large percentage of the population. While you are depressed you feel hopeless, isolated and alone. In truth, you are not. You do not suffer alone. This year alone

  • 8 million people will have a depressive episode. Out of those 18 million people only around 20% will get suitable treatment.
  • Everyone will be affected by depression (theirs or someone else's) at some time in their life.
  • Pre-school children are the fastest growing segment of the population that is turning to anti-depressants. This is growing at 23% p/yr.
  • Depression accounts for more absenteeism than ay other physical disorder and costs the economy more than 50 Billion dollars p/yr not including medical and pharmacy bills.
  • the most common form of mental disorder is mixed anxiety and depression.
  • Women are more likely to be treated for mental health issues than men.
  • Approximately 10% of children have a mental health problem at any give time.
  • 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year
  • Depression strikes 1 in 5 of the elderly population who live in the community and 2 in 5 of those who live in care homes.
  • Men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than women
  • 9 out of 10 inmates has a mental disorder

    The Beginnings of Depression

    Research is starting to show a correlation between childhood events and depression. The events that lead to a depressive episode are usually found in dysfunctional relationships. Children see & observe, then learn & apply. Is it any wonder that we recreate dysfunctional relationships as we get older? It is in this fashion that which we fear comes upon us. In a very real sense we create our own misery.

    Sometimes depression can seem to strike out of the blue. A crisis event happens and before we know it we're in the middle of a depressive episode that will not lift. When this happens we need to find our depression cure.

    AFRS Depression Cure

    Modern science has discovered a phenomenon that can lead to radical success in defeating depression. It is a simple thing and very inexpensive, but the results are profound and powerful. The phenomenon is Brainwave Entrainment. As research and studies continue the results of using brainwave entrainment as a depression cure look very promising.

    At AFRS we have created a product that uses the concept of synergy by combining affirmations with brainwave entrainment. The result is a powerful, effective, and inexpensive depression cure. This product will literally change your mind. It will change the way you think and as a result it will change the way you feel. By itself this product will amaze you. Used with other forms of therapy it will blow you away. Get yours today. Get AFRS Depression Crushers now.

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