The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Personal Development

What is personal development? The simple answer is the conscious decision to move from where you are in life to a better, desired place. Personal development means accepting and taking responsibility for one's self and one's attitudes, actions, and behaviours. It's about self improvement and rising above where we are.

What is personal development? It is changing your behaviour. It is learning to set goals and attaining them. It is learning how to change and manage your mind. It is taking a course to enhance your skills or learn new skills. It is living life to it's fullest. It is making the decision to be healthy in body and mind. It is taking care of your finances, getting out of and staying out of debt. It is being responsible in your relationships and working on them. It is learning to manage your emotions. It is taking care of your spiritual needs.

Before you can answer the question 'what is personal development?' for yourself, you will have to take a brutally honest look at yourself. Your true self. Not the self you deceive yourself into believing is you -- your true self.

The target of personal development is to become the most effective person you can be while maintaining calmness and balance within. The object of the game is to bring all your talents and skills into a harmonious relationship so that you can create the life you desire. What is personal development answers your deepest need.

Hard Work.

Personal development is hard work. It takes discipline, determination, and consistency. There is no magic formula, no quick fix pill. If you don't want to put the time and effort in you will have to find a snake oil vendor, for you won't find what you're looking for here. This web site is created with a passion to help people be all they can be. To throw of the encumbrances that have been learned over the years. To live with intent, to consciously take control, to suck up the courage necessary to face the dark parts of who you are, and to solve the problems that have plagued you for far too long.

There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.

- Scott Adams

Personal development is not for the weak in mind, the faint hearted. In the end only you can answer the question 'what is personal development?' but you will find some help here on this site - help that will assist you to achieve your potential.

Your Personal Development

Personal weaknesses can manifest themselves in many areas. The following is a list that you can use when you decide to take inventory of yourself.

  • Time Management
  • Organization
  • Procrastination
  • Goal setting
  • Courage
  • Career choices
  • Money Management
  • Motivation
  • Bad Habits
  • This list is not meant to be a complete list of areas that you may need to look at. The intent here is to simply provide a spring-board from which to get further ideas and directions to move in.

    Where to Begin...

    No matter where you are and which direction you want to take with your life, the most basic building block to any 'what is personal development' question is learning how to control your mind. You will discover that most of what you think is simply habit. Habit learned over the years. Those thought habits are what constitute 'you'. It is those habits that have to change in order to achieve personal development.

    The decision to live consciously is the decision to change the way you think.

    Reprogram your mind

    The ability to control your mind lays deep in your subconscious. Your subconscious will do exactly what you tell it to. If you consistently send your subconscious negative messages, it will comply with the ideas and statements you send it and make sure that your life ends up being negative. So, what's to be done? The way to control your mind is to program or reprogram it. The way you do that is by plying your mind with affirmations repeatedly.

    The longer you have struggled with a personal weakness the longer it will likely take to re-script that part of your mind. Patience with yourself and your mind is required. If it took 45 years to get where you are, do you seriously think you're going to change in 45 hours? The good news is that it doesn't have to take years and years. When you consistently and habitually train your mind with affirmations change can happen quite rapidly. If you want to see accelerated change then you will want to utilize technology to assist you.

    Here at AFRS we specialize in creating affirmation mp3's that are embedded with entrainment. This is the most powerful methodology available on the planet today to do what you want to do with your mind. Bar none. Take a look around the site and the question 'what is personal development' will soon become apparent.

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