The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Goal Setting Activities.

Goal setting activities are what separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Many of the people who achieve great things never heard of goal setting, or read a book on how to set and achieve goals. Most of these people would not be able to tell you the mechanics of setting goals. But the one thing successful people all have in common is that they set goals for themselves and the write them down.

Setting goals takes time and effort. It is a skill that needs to be learned if you've never learned it or if you don't naturally set goals for yourself. To enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishment and the confidence and self esteem that arises from attaining challenging objectives, you will need to invest. Your path may include workshops, research, and books. You may have to join or start a 'mastermind group' to help keep you on track.

The odd thing about goal setting activities is that like so many other things in life they are important but not urgent so they don't get done. The result is that we remain stuck in a land of mediocrity and average performance. Homeostasis is the word that describes that sort of 'stuck-ness'. As living organisms we don't like change, we want things to remain the same - homeostasis. This spills over into your goal setting activities. Goal setting activities means change. Overcome the resistance to change and you will become a goal achieving power-house.

Effective Goal Setting Activities

There are some very essential things you need to keep in mind as you set your goals or start your goal setting activities. There are some foundational things about goals themselves that you need to keep in mind:

  • A goal must be important to you personally - it can't be someone else's goal
  • A goal must be within your ability and strength to make happen
  • A goal must be something that is within a reasonable chance of being attained
  • A goal must be specific and have an action plan attached to it
  • Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.

    - John Dewey

    Have you ever set a goal for yourself? Did you realize after a passage of time that the goal wasn't any where near being accomplished? It may be that the goal wasn't really a goal at all. Compare that goal to the list above. Did it fit all the criteria? If it didn't you can give yourself a break - it isn't really a failed goal because it wasn't really a goal to begin with!

    Is it better to not set goals or risk failure by having more challenging ones? Fear of failure is the number one self sabotaging trait of those who don't accomplish much in life. Most people don't set goals because they are comfortable and complacent. They'd rather live with the level of comfort they have gotten used to than to break out and dare to reach a new level in life. How about you? Will you take a chance? Take a calculated risk? Or will you cower behind the skirts of complacency?

    Have you ever considered that there is a difference between a wish and a goal? Announcing on new years eve that you're going to get fit, lose weight, start something new, and then proceeding to do exactly nothing means that you didn't set a goal you merely had a wish. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride...

    Think about the difference between failing and being a failure. You only become a failure when you give up. Winston Churchill said "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.". A failure is when you give up. Failing is merely a set back, a temporary condition.

    How do you deal with disappointment? Any goal is going to be met with frustrations and disappointments. How do you deal with them? Do they become mountains that prevent you from finishing successfully? Do you have a plan to deal with them should they arise? If you are wise, you will expect disappointment and frustration and have a plan in place to deal with it.

    How do you define success? If you get to the top of the ladder, and discover your ladder is leaning on the wrong wall are you a success? Before you launch your life plan make sure that it is the plan that you want. Make sure that your goals fall within the definition of what success is to you. Don't let the world bamboozle you into thinking that wealth, or fame is the definition of success. You decide what success is.

    Practice Goal Setting Activities

    Take what you know about setting goals and practice.

  • Write out your specific goal
  • Outline a few steps necessary to attain the goal
  • Consider what obstacles may arise and make a plan to deal with them
  • Set a deadline
  • Some Goal Setting Activities When you Feel Stuck

    Here are some goal setting activities to help when you need a boost. Get out a note pad or a word processor and start writing:

    If you could be or do anything and know you wouldn't fail, what would it be?

    Most people set new years resolutions at new years. But you don't need to wait till 1 January to start your goal setting activities What would you like to accomplish in the next 12 months? Short term goals are great because they give you a sense of getting somewhere. There is nothing worse than grinding away at a long term goal with no evidence of forward movement. Remember:

    • It must be important to you.
    • Describe it in detail.
    • Create action steps - a plan
    • Have ever set a goal before and had it blow up in your face. Try to remember what you did. What worked? What didn't work? What did you learn from that experience? Apply the lessons you learned from a goal that didn't work to your new situation. Try a new tactic or strategy. And most of all believe that you can accomplish what it is you desire.

    Automate Your Goal Setting Activities

    Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to make your goal setting activities an automatic or reflexive action? Imagine what it would be like to wake up one morning and find that you've turned into a goal setting and achieving machine. Would the results be awesome? Would your life change significantly? Would you suddenly find yourself soaring on wings like an eagle?

    Good news - there is a way that you can make your goal setting activities an automatic behaviour. The way is relatively simple - you need to reprogram your mind. It is the subconscious mind that creates the life that we experience. When the subconscious becomes attuned to goal setting your conscious mind will follow along and your will become a goal achiever.

    The quickest way to program your mind to become a goal setter, is by using affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment. This combination is a one-two punch that quickly creates the thought patterns that you want in order to become a successful goal achiever. If you want to move from the world of a dreamer, a wisher, to the world of a successful achiever you need to change your mind. Do it today! Get this technology and start your new life today! Make one of your first goal setting activities is to investigate this scientifically proven technology.

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