The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is the result of being able to balance emotional fluctuations when life gets rough. When life is going well it is easy to feel balanced, centered, and secure. When the can of worms opens up and dumps on you, the feelings that arise can seriously disrupt our harmony.

The spectrum of emotions runs from apathy and depression on one end to peace and calmness on the other. The negative emotions like grief and anger are powerful and can become overwhelming us to the point that we can't manage. Relationships with loved ones, acquaintances, and peers can be damaged as a result.

Understanding how emotions rise and reveal themselves is a starting point to emotional wellness. If you would like to do an emotional wellness inventory click here.

Emotional Wellness and Negative Emotions

Everyone feels the sting of negative emotions occasionally. We usually get over it quickly because one way or another we resolve the issue and the negative feelings associated with it dissipate. Negative feelings become a problem when instead of dealing with them we suppress them.

Bottling up powerful negative emotions can lead to problems for the individual suppressing the emotion and those closest to them. Negative emotions are a normal reaction to a situation that is outside our control or didn't work the way we wanted and expected. They can also surface during times of high stress.

It is time to take action in dealing with negative emotions when:

  • The negative emotion is on your mind for several weeks and is harming your ability to enjoy life
  • The negative emotion happened in the distant past
  • The negative emotion makes you want to take revenge
  • The negative emotion makes you behave aggressively or violently towards others or yourself
  • The negative emotion starts to interfere with your ability to do your job
  • The negative emotion is hurting and harming family relationships
  • The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

    - Abraham Maslow


    Emotional Wellness and Dealing with Negative Emotions

    It is important to deal with negative emotion before it starts to create havoc in your life. Studies have shown and continue to show that negative emotions have a serious impact on our health including things like ulcers and heart disease. Negative emotions could lead you to behave in ways that could result in job loss, marriage failure, and seriously impact your social life.

    There are some things you can do in the moment when negative emotions arise. There are also other things you can do to change your way of dealing with life's problems by learning new attitudes and practicing new responses.

    Emotional Wellness Tips

    In the moment, when negative emotions are heated try to:

  • Acknowledge your negative emotion
  • Try to neither suppress it or express it. The emotion is not 'you' it is just a feeling.
  • Try to be objective
  • Ask yourself what you would think if you observed someone else reacting negatively in a similar situation.
  • Think about something else
  • Give your attention to something other than the thing that's creating the negative emotion.
  • Identify with the source of your negative emotion
  • If the source of your negative emotion is a person try to resolve the problem in a peaceful, productive, and calm way.
  • Assume nothing
  • Listen and hear people out. Don't assume you know where they are coming from or why they are doing what they are doing. Give them a chance to explain themselves.
  • When a negative emotion remains well beyond the time of it's beginning you may find it useful to:

  • Model someone else who's experienced the same thing
  • Avoid self blame - learn from your experience and move on
  • Do something physical burn off the adrenaline of the negative feeling by moving physically
  • Learn and employ some stress management techniques
  • Learn to laugh. If you can see the absurd side of your situation you can laugh instead of reacting
  • Learn to accept the good in others. Have a little faith in others good will.
  • Bring professional help on board. A counselor, or doctor may be able to help
  • Emotional Wellness and Your Mind

    Emotions are the creation of the predominant thought of your mind. The most effective way to deal with emotions is to make sure that the thoughts you think are positive, optimistic, and healthy. This can be done with relative ease. Our minds are ruled by our subconscious and the subconscious can be programmed.

    It has been found that the subconscious responds to and latches on to affirmations. Affirmations are simply statements that are similar in nature and are repeated endlessly. In time our subconscious begins to believe them. Have you ever told yourself "you're an idiot" or how about "no one would ever want you"? Those kind of thoughts repeated on a daily basis program your mind to create behaviours that line up with those negative thoughts.

    Positive affirmations work the same way. Repeat positive powerful affirmations to yourself on a daily basis and your mind will start to create behaviours that line up with those positive thoughts.

    Affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment are the most effective and powerful way of programming your mind for emotional wellness. If you are struggling with negative emotions and want to improve your emotional wellness you owe it to yourself to investigate affirmations for radical success today.

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