The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa can strike anywhere, any time, anyone, in any household. The condition is also known simply as 'anorexia'. It is characterized as an eating disorder. But before it is an eating disorder it is a thinking disorder.

Most of the people who have anorexia, this thinking disorder, are young females who live in the 'first world'. They are usually obsessed with food, thinking about it all the time -- and are convinced that they are either too fat, or getting too fat.

The medical community thinks that anorexics do this in order to feel like they're in control or to cover tension, anger, and anxiety.


If you have the least suspicion that you, or someone close to you is in medical danger, contact a physician right now. Eating disorders can kill, and if you or someone close to you is already in trouble, get medical attention, not self-help tips.

So What is This About?

Anorexia is not a disease that attacks the body from the outside. It is not a germ, it is not contagious. It is a thinking problem. Anorexia is seen by it's victims as a solution. It is a solution to a problem that does not exist anywhere but in the mind of the anorexic.

...And anorexia, you just deny yourself.

It's about control.


- Tracey Gold

The problem is that of wanting to conform to an ideal of physical shape that is determined by many sources in our culture. Seeing images of perfect, svelte, females every where they look, makes it difficult if not impossible for anorexics to feel good about their own bodies.

Anorexia as a physical problem

While anorexia starts out as a thinking problem it quickly becomes a physical problem. When the body is starved the whole body is affected. The brain can't think properly -- fear of gaining weight dominates all conscious thought.

Depression, moodiness, grumpiness, poor memory, and fainting are all characteristic of the chemical changes that are occurring in the brain.

The hair gets thin and brittle, the heart rate slows and the beat becomes irregular, blood becomes anemic, muscles become weak and flacid, joints swell, bone become less dense -- prone to breaking, kidneys can develop stones or even stop working, essential minerals drop to dangerously low levels, hormones stop being produced normally, and skin becomes dry, bruising easily, with nails becoming brittle.

As you can see anorexia nervosa can become a rather unattractive, unhealthy and serious condition.


Why participate? For recognition, inspiration, and a resource we can all refer to when making the case for SBI -based design. This is sorely needed, even today. More and more major sites are taking the leap, but not enough have. One day this gallery will be a historical curiosity; that day is not today.


It seems a bit far fetched to think that something like affirmations could help such a serious problem but they can!! It is after all, a condition based in the mind.

The physical problems associated with anorexia nervosa need to be treated by a medical professional, but the mind can definitely be helped by training it to think properly about food, self image, self esteem, and self confidence.

So how do you deal with anorexia nervosa? What should your first approach to anorexia nervosa be?

Anorexia exists totally in the mind -- it is the result of thoughts and nothing else. To alleviate the symptoms of anorexia you absolutely must change your thoughts.

The fastest and most effective way to deal with the mind of an anorexic is to change her thoughts by using affirmations - affirmations combined with brainwave entrainment. Entrainment will put the mind into a receptive state and affirmations will inject healing, calming thoughts into the subconscious mind.

The result will be recovery from anorexia nervosa without the need for years of trips to the psychiatrist's couch. Do you want relief from anorexia? Do you want your life back again? Include affirmations with entrainment in your battle to defeat anorexia.

Take the plunge --
Try affirmations with entrainment to destroy anorexia nervosa.
Enjoy radical success in recovery from anorexia -- it CAN be defeated!


The material on this page is for information only and is not advice. Readers need to assess whether any information found is suitable for their own particular circumstances.

This page is not meant to replace professional help in dealing with anorexia nervosa. Readers who think they might have an eating problem should seek help from a qualified physician, health care professional, or licensed treatment professional.

Those experiencing extreme physical / mental stress should consult a qualified health care professional right away.

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