The difference that a statement can make in the life of a man, woman, or child is nothing short of phenomenal.

Change your mind - change your life!

Great Affirmations

Great affirmations are key to getting your mind to the place where it will automatically present positive, powerful, motivating thoughts when you are faced with challenges in life. What separates an awesome affirmation from a mediocre or poor affirmation? The most important thing about your affirmations is that they should resonate with you. Any affirmation that does not evoke an emotional response is an affirmation that will not work, in short an affirmation that is not great.

A great affirmation that resonates with you may not resonate at all with your spouse, boss, friends or anyone for that matter. What does it mean for an affirmation to 'resonate'? It means that it creates an emotional response within you. A positive response that you could jump up and yell 'YEAH' when you hear it. One that you find encouraging and empowering.

One of the best ways to find affirmations that resonate with you is simply to write your own. The power of great affirmations can be used to:

  • Destroy bad habits and create new positive ones
  • Create laser sharp focus
  • Accelerate progress toward your goals
  • Create calmness a peace
  • Change your life
  • The Key to Great Affirmations

    The key is simple -- knowing how to create them and then knowing how, when, and where to use them. There is no big mystery as to what an affirmation is. They are simply statements that you either think or say aloud, thoughts that represent how you feel and what you believe to be true. There is a big clue in that last sentence that explains why some people don't experience any significant change when reciting affirmations. When change doesn't happen it's because there is a big conflict between what you believe or feel is true or could be true and what actually exists.

    No student ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him: it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required, that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction.

    - Charles Kendall Adams

    Affirmations have no power in themselves. What makes them so incredibly powerful is the innate power of your subconscious mind. Once you subconscious mind is convinced of a fact it will act on it consistently to the exclusion of any other thought that may randomly cross your mind. It is the power of your subconscious mind that creates your life, your success or your lack of it.

    Affirmations by default

    Affirmations are active in your life right now whether you believe in them or not. Without taking control of our minds by using affirmations whatever we feel in the moment, our thoughts and emotions become our affirmations, and they in turn become our reality. This explains why so many people have lives they don't want and don't have the lives they do want.

    Failing to manage the mind makes about as much sense as getting into a car, turning it on, putting it in gear, tromping the gas and just assuming that the car will get us to where we want to go without putting our hands on the steering wheel. No one does that except a very young, and inexperience child. Yet that's exactly what we do with our minds. Our minds work all the time 24 hours a day 7 days a week. And who is controlling where that powerful, revved up mind is going? No one? Chance? Random circumstance? It's time to take control.

    How to of Great Affirmations...

    The how to of affirmations is simple and easy to understand learn how to create great affirmations here. Once you've learned how to create them, learn how to apply them correctly here. With this information you're well on your way to being effective and efficient in using affirmations to accelerate your program of self improvement. You will be leagues ahead of those around you. They'll want to know what you're doing and how. It feels so good to be in control of what goes on in the mind. There's nothing you can do about circumstance but there's a lot you can do about how you respond to it.

    Affirmations on Rocket Fuel

    Great affirmations are the basic building block to success. They are often overlooked but are one of the most effective techniques for personal growth. What is not common knowledge is that affirmations can be taken to the next level with brainwave entrainment. This technology forces your mind into the most receptive state possible. Once in that state it quickly accepts your affirmations and the result is personal change at warp speed!

    You can find great affirmations with entrainment in our catalog.

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